Journal Articles

My peer-reviewed journal articles by the numbers:

  • 250 articles in peer-reviewed journals & books, 40 as lead author (Science, Nature, Nature Astro, Nature Comms, GRL, Icarus, A&A, ApJ, AJ, MNRAS, Annual Reviews, Space Science Reviews, JGR-Planets, Planetary Science Journal, Phil. Trans., Planetary and Space Science, Earth and Space Science, etc.)

  • 7 contributions to book chapters, 3 as lead author.

  • 1 DPhil/PhD thesis!

Additional information (and metrics) available via PubLons, Google Scholar, NASA ADS, ORCID, ResearchGate, and ArXiv.



  1. Shawn R. Brueshaber, Zhimeng Zhang, Glenn S. Orton, Fabiano Oyafuso, Shannon Brown, Steven Levin, Davide Grassi, Alessandro Mura, Gerald Eichstädt, Candice J. Hansen, Leigh N. Fletcher, Shinji Mizumoto, John H. Rogers, Michael H. Wong, Ramanakumar Sankar and Scott Bolton (2025), Multi-Instrument Sounding of a Jovian Thunderstorm from Juno during Perijove 38, Icarus, accepted.

  2. Xinyue Wang, Liming Li, Larry Guan, Xun Jiang, Patrick M. Fry, Ulyana A. Dyudina, Leigh N. Fletcher, Enrique García-Melendo, Ricardo Hueso, Raúl Morales-Juberías, Agustin Sánchez-Lavega, Amy A. Simon (2025), Spatiotemporal Variability of Saturn’s Zonal Winds Observed by Cassini, JGR:Planets, accepted (

  3. Patrick G. J. Irwin, Steven M. Hill, Leigh N. Fletcher, Charlotte Alexander, John H. Rogers (2025), Clouds and Ammonia in the Atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn Determined From a Band-Depth Analysis of VLT/MUSE Observations, JGR: Planets, Volume 130, e2024JE008622 (

  4. James A. Sinclair, Thomas K. Greathouse, Rohini S. Giles, Matthew Richter, Maisie Rashman, Curtis de Witt, Julianne Moses, Vincent Hue, Pablo Rodríguez-Ovalle, Thierry Fouchet, Ananyo Bhattacharya, Bilal Benmahi, Glenn S. Orton, Leigh N. Fletcher and Patrick G. J. Irwin (2025), Improved Constraints on the Vertical Profile of CH4 at Jupiter’s Mid- to High Latitudes, Using IRTF-TEXES and SOFIA-EXES Spectroscopy, Planetary Science Journal, 6, 15 (

  5. E. P. Turtle, A. S. McEwen, G. W. Patterson, C. M. Ernst, C. M. Elder, K. A. Slack, S. E. Hawkins, J. McDermott, H. Meyer, R. DeMajistre, R. Espiritu, H. Seifert, J. Niewola, M. Bland, M. Becker, J. Centurelli, G. C. Collins, P. Corlies, H. Darlington, I. J. Daubar, C. Derr, C. Detelich, E. Donald, W. Edens, L.N. Fletcher, C. Gardner, F. Graham, C. J. Hansen, C. Haslebacher, A. G. Hayes, D. Humm, T. A. Hurford, R. L. Kirk, N. Kutsop, W. J. Lees, D. Lewis, S. London, A. Magner, M. Mills, A. C. Barr Mlinar, F. Morgan, F. Nimmo, A. Ocasio Milanes, S. Osterman, C. B. Phillips, A. Pommerol, L. Prockter, L. C. Quick, G. Robbins, J. M. Soderblom, B. Stewart, A. Stickle, S. S. Sutton, N. Thomas, I. Torres, O. J. Tucker, R. B. Van Auken & K. A. Wilk (2024), The Europa Imaging System (EIS) Investigation, Space Science Reviews 220, 91. (

  6. David Law, Ioannis Argyriou, Karl D. Gordon, G.C. Sloan, Danny Gasman, Alistair Glasse, Kirsten Larson, Leigh N. Fletcher, Alvaro Labiano, and Alberto Noriega-Crespo (2025), The James Webb Space Telescope Absolute Flux Calibration. III. Mid-Infrared Instrument Medium Resolution IFU Spectrometer, Astrophysical Journal, 169 67 ( (

  7. Pablo Rodríguez-Ovalle, Sandrine Guerlet, Thierry Fouchet, Jake Harkett, Thibault Cavalie, Vincent Hue, Sandrine Vinatier, Manuel López-Puertas, Leigh N. Fletcher, Emmanuel Lellouch, Ricardo Hueso, Imke de Pater, Glenn S. Orton, Michael T. Roman, Heidi B. Hammel, Stefanie N. Milam, and Oliver R.T. King (2024), Stratospheric aerosols and C6H6 in Jupiter’s South Polar Region from JWST/MIRI observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 691, A51 (

  8. Dominique Bockelee-Morvan, Olivier Poch, Francois Leblanc, Vladimir Zakharov, Emmanuel Lellouch, Eric Quirico, Imke de Pater, Thierry Fouchet, Pablo Rodriguez-Ovalle, Lorenz Roth, Frédéric Merlin, Stefan Duling, Joachim Saur, Adrien Masson, Patrick Fry, Samantha Trumbo, Michael Brown, Richard Cartwright, Stéphanie Cazaux, Katherine de Kleer, Leigh N. Fletcher, Zachariah Milby, Audrey Moingeon, Alessandro Mura, Glenn S. Orton, Bernard Schmitt, Federico Tosi, and Michael H. Wong (2024), Ganymede’s patchy CO2 exosphere revealed by the James Webb Space Telescope, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 690, L11 ( (

  9. Jake Harkett, Leigh N. Fletcher, Oliver R.T. King, Michael T. Roman, Henrik Melin, Heidi B. Hammel, Ricardo Hueso, Agustın Sanchez-Lavega, Michael H. Wong, Stefanie N. Milam, Glenn S. Orton, Katherine de Kleer, Patrick G.J. Irwin, Imke de Pater, Thierry Fouchet, Pablo Rodrıguez-Ovalle, Patrick M. Fry, Mark R. Showalter (2024), The Thermal Structure and Composition of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot from JWST/MIRI, JGR:Planets, 129, e2024JE008415 ( (

  10. Martin A. Cordiner, Alexander E. Thelen, Thibault Cavalié, Richard Cosentino, Leigh N. Fletcher, Mark Gurwell, Katherine de Kleer, Yi-Jehng Kuan, Emmanuel Lellouch, Arielle Moullet, Conor Nixon, Imke de Pater, Nicholas A. Teanby, Bryan Butler, Steven Charnley, Raphael Moreno, Mark Booth, Pamela Klaassen, Claudia Cicone, Tony Mroczkowski, Luca Di Mascolo, Doug Johnstone, Eelco van Kampen, Minju M. Lee, Daizhong Liu, Thomas J. Maccarone, Amélie Saintonge, Matthew Smith, Sven Wedemeyer (2024), Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) Science: Planetary and Cometary Atmospheres, Submitted to Open Research Europe (AtLAST collection) ( (

  11. D Grassi, A Mura, A Adriani, G Sindoni, S K Atreya, L N Fletcher, G S Orton, C Plainaki, F Tosi, F Biagiotti, A Olivieri, C Castagnoli, E D’Aversa, A Migliorini, A Moirano, R Noschese, G Piccioni, R Sordini, S Bolton (2024), Jupiter’s Hot Spots as observed by JIRAM-Juno: limb-darkening in thermal infrared, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 533, Issue 2, September 2024, Pages 2185–2198 (

  12. Henrik Melin, J. O’Donoghue, L. Moore, T. S. Stallard, L. N. Fletcher, M. T. Roman, J. Harkett, O. R. T. King, E. M. Thomas, R. Wang, P. I. Tiranti, K. L. Knowles, I. de Pater, T. Fouchet, P. H. Fry, M. H. Wong, B. J. Holler, R. Hueso, M. K. James, G. S. Orton, A. Mura, A. Sánchez-Lavega, E. Lellouch, K. de Kleer & M. R. Showalter (2024), Ionospheric irregularities at Jupiter observed by JWST, Nature Astronomy (

  13. Pablo Rodríguez-Ovalle, Thierry Fouchet, Sandrine Guerlet, Thibault Cavalié, Vincent Hue, Manuel López-Puertas, Emmanuel Lellouch, James A. Sinclair, Imke de Pater, Leigh N. Fletcher, Michael H. Wong, Jake Harkett, Glenn S. Orton, Ricardo Hueso, Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, Tom S. Stallard, Dominique Bockelee-Morvan, Oliver King, Michael T. Roman, Henrik Melin (2024), Temperature and Composition Disturbances in the Southern Auroral Region of Jupiter Revealed by JWST/MIRI, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129, e2024JE008299 ( (

  14. G. Milcareck, S. Guerlet, F. Montmessin, A. Spiga, J. Leconte, E. Millour, N. Clément, L. N. Fletcher, M. T. Roman, E. Lellouch, R. Moreno, T. Cavalié, Ó. Carrión-González (2024), Radiative-convective models of the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune: heating sources and seasonal effects, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A303 ( (

  15. F. Poulet, G. Piccioni, Y. Langevin, C. Dumesnil, L. Tommasi, V. Carlier, G. Filacchione, M. Amoroso, A. Arondel, E. D’Aversa, A. Barbis, A. Bini, D. Bolsée, P. Bousquet, C. Caprini, J. Carter, J.-P. Dubois, M. Condamin, S. Couturier, K. Dassas, M. Dexet, L.N. Fletcher, D. Grassi, I. Guerri, P. Haffoud, C. Larigauderie, M. Le Du, R. Mugnuolo, G. Pilato, M. Rossi, S. Stefani, F. Tosi, M. Vincendon, M. Zambelli, G. Arnold, J.-P. Bibring, D. Biondi, A. Boccaccini, R. Brunetto, A. Carapelle, M. Cisneros González, C. Hannou, O. Karatekin, J.-C. Le Clech, C. Leyrat, A. Migliorini, A. Nathues, S. Rodriguez, B. Saggin, A. Sanchez-Lavega, B. Schmitt, B. Seignovert, R. Sordini, K. Stephan, G. Tobie, F. Zambon, A. Adriani, F. Altieri, D. Bockelée, F. Capaccioni, S. De Angelis, M.-C. De Sanctis, P. Drossart, T. Fouchet, J.-C. Gérard, D. Grodent, N. Ignatiev, P. Irwin, N. Ligier, N. Manaud, N. Mangold, A. Mura, C. Pilorget, E. Quirico, E. Renotte, G. Strazzulla, D. Turrini, A.-C. Vandaele, C. Carli, M. Ciarniello, S. Guerlet, E. Lellouch, F. Mancarella, A. Morbidelli, S. Le Mouélic, A. Raponi, G. Sindoni & M. Snels (2024), Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) on Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE), Space Science Reviews Volume 220, article number 27 (

  16. Cheng Li, Michael Allison, Sushil Atreya, Shawn Brueshaber, Leigh N. Fletcher, Tristan Guillot, Liming Li, Jonathan Lunine, Yamila Miguel, Glenn Orton, Paul Steffes, J. Hunter Waite, Michael H. Wong, Steven Levin, Scott Bolton (2024), Super-adiabatic Temperature Gradient at Jupiter’s Equatorial Zone and Implications for the Water Abundance, Icarus, Volume 414, 15 May 2024, 116028 ( (

  17. M.M. Hedman, M.S. Tiscareno, M.R. Showalter, L.N. Fletcher, O.R.T. King, J. Harkett, M.T. Roman, N. Rowe‐Gurney, H.B. Hammel, S.N. Milam, M. El Moutamid, R.J. Cartwright, I. de Pater, and E.M. Molter (2024) Water‐ice dominated spectra of Saturn’s rings and small moons from JWST, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129, e2023JE008236. ( (

  18. Deborah Bardet, Padraig T. Donnelly, Leigh N. Fletcher, Arrate Antuñano, Michael T. Roman, James A. Sinclair, Glenn S. Orton, Chihiro Tao, John H. Rogers, Henrik Melin, Jake Harkett (2024), Investigating Thermal Contrasts Between Jupiter’s Belts, Zones, and Polar Vortices with VLT/VISIR, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Volume 129, Issue 2, e2023JE007902 ( (

  19. Arrate Antuñano, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Henrik Melin, Padraig T. Donnelly, Michael T. Roman, James A. Sinclair, Yasumasa Kasaba, Thomas Momary, Takuya Fujiyoshi (2023), Jupiter’s Multi‐Year Cycles of Temperature and Aerosol Variability From Ground‐Based Mid‐Infrared Imaging, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Volume 128, Issue 12, e2022JE007693 (

  20. Patrick G J Irwin, Jack Dobinson, Arjuna James, Nicholas A Teanby, Amy A Simon, Leigh N Fletcher, Michael T Roman, Glenn S Orton, Michael H Wong, Daniel Toledo, Santiago Pérez-Hoyos, Julie Beck (2024), Modelling the seasonal cycle of Uranus’s colour and magnitude, and comparison with Neptune, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 527, Issue 4, Pages 11521–11538, (

  21. P. G. J. Irwin, J. Dobinson, A. James, M. H. Wong, L. N. Fletcher, M. T. Roman, N. A. Teanby, D. Toledo, G. S. Orton, S. Pérez-Hoyos, A. Sánchez-Lavega, A. Simon, R. Morales-Juberias, I. de Pater (2023), Latitudinal Variations in Methane Abundance, Aerosol Opacity and Aerosol Scattering Efficiency in Neptune’s Atmosphere Determined From VLT/MUSE, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2023JE007980 ( (

  22. D. Bockelee-Morvan, E. Lellouch, O. Poch, E. Quirico, S. Cazaux, I. de Pater, T. Fouchet, P. M. Fry, P. Rodriguez-Ovalle, F. Tosi, M. H. Wong, I. Boshuizen, K. de Kleer, L. N. Fletcher, L. Meunier, A. Mura, L. Roth, J. Saur, B. Schmitt, S. K. Trumbo, M. E. Brown, J. O’Donoghue, G. S. Orton, M. R. Showalter (2023), Composition and thermal properties of Ganymede’s surface from JWST/NIRSpec and MIRI observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 681, article A27 ( (

  23. Oliver R. T. King, Leigh N. Fletcher, Jake Harkett, Michael T. Roman, and Henrik Melin (2023), Custom JWST NIRSpec/IFU and MIRI/MRS Data Reduction Pipelines for Solar System Targets, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, 7, 223 (

  24. Ricardo Hueso, Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, Thierry Fouchet, Imke de Pater, Arrate Antuñano, Leigh N. Fletcher, Michael H. Wong, Pablo Rodríguez-Ovalle, Lawrence A. Sromovsky, Patrick M. Fry, Glenn S. Orton, Sandrine Guerlet, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Emmanuel Lellouch, Jake Harkett, Katherine de Kleer, Henrik Melin, Vincent Hue, Amy A. Simon, Statia Luszcz-Cook & Kunio M. Sayanagi (2023), An intense narrow equatorial jet in Jupiter’s lower stratosphere observed by JWST, Nature Astronomy 7, 1454–1462 (

  25. Oliver King & Leigh N. Fletcher (2023), PlanetMapper: A Python package for visualising, navigating and mapping Solar System observations, Journal of Open Source Software, 8(90), 5728, (

  26. Arjuna James, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Jack Dobinson, Michael H. Wong, Troy K. Tsubota, Amy A. Simon, Leigh N. Fletcher, Michael T. Roman, Nick A. Teanby, Daniel Toledo, Glenn S. Orton (2023), The Temporal Brightening of Uranus’ Northern Polar Hood From HST/WFC3 and HST/STIS Observations, JGR:Planets, Volume 128, e2023JE007904 (

  27. Leigh N. Fletcher, Oliver R.T. King, Jake Harkett, Heidi B. Hammel, Michael T. Roman, Henrik Melin, Matthew M. Hedman, Julianne I. Moses, Sandrine Guerlet, Stefanie N. Milam, Matthew S. Tiscareno (2023), Saturn’s Atmosphere in Northern Summer Revealed by JWST/MIRI, JGR: Planets, Volume 128, e2023JE007924 ( (

  28. Patrick G. J. Irwin, Jack Dobinson, Arjuna James, Michael H. Wong, Leigh N. Fletcher, Michael T. Roman, Nicholas A. Teanby, Daniel Toledo, Glenn S. Orton, Santiago Pérez-Hoyos, Agustin Sánchez-Lavega, Lawrence Sromovsky, Amy A. Simon, Raúl Morales-Juberías, Imke de Pater & Statia L. Cook (2023), Spectral determination of the colour and vertical structure of dark spots in Neptune’s atmosphere, Nature Astronomy 7, 1198–1207 ( (

  29. Leigh N. Fletcher, Thibault Cavalié, Davide Grassi, Ricardo Hueso, Luisa M. Lara, Yohai Kaspi, Eli Galanti, Thomas K. Greathouse, Philippa M. Molyneux, Marina Galand, Claire Vallat, Olivier Witasse, Rosario Lorente, Paul Hartogh, François Poulet, Yves Langevin, Pasquale Palumbo, G. Randall Gladstone, Kurt D. Retherford, Michele K. Dougherty, Jan-Erik Wahlund, Stas Barabash, Luciano Iess, Lorenzo Bruzonne, Hauke Hussmann, Leonid I. Gurvits, Ondřej Santolik, Ivana Kolmasova, Georg Fischer, Ingo Müller-Wodarg, Giuseppe Piccioni, Thierry Fouchet, Jean-Claude Gérard, Agustin Sánchez-Lavega, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Denis Grodent, Francesca Altieri, Alessandro Mura, Pierre Drossart, Josh Kammer, Rohini Giles, Stéphanie Cazaux, Geraint Jones, Maria Smirnova, Emmanuel Lellouch, Alexander S. Medvedev, Raphael Moreno, Ladislav Rezac, Athena Coustenis, Marc Costa (2023), Jupiter Science Enabled by ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, Space Science Reviews, 219, 53 ( (

  30. J. A. Sinclair,, R. West, J. M. Barbara, C. Tao, G. S. Orton, T. K. Greathouse, R. S. Giles, D. Grodent, L. N. Fletcher, P. G. J. Irwin (2023), Long-term variability of Jupiter’s northern auroral 8-µm CH4 emissions, Icarus Volume 406, 115740 ( (

  31. Guillot, Tristan; Fletcher, Leigh N.; Helled, Ravit; Ikoma, Masahiro; Line, Michael R.; Parmentier, Vivien (2023), Giant Planets from the Inside-Out, Protostars and Planets VII, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series,Volume 534, p947-991, San Francisco: Eds: S. Inutsuka, Y. Aikawa, T. Muto, K. Tomida, and M. Tamura ( (

  32. Samantha K. Trumbo, Michael E. Brown, Dominique Bockelée-Morvan, Imke de Pater, Thierry Fouchet, Michael H. Wong, Stéphanie Cazaux, Leigh N. Fletcher, Katherine de Kleer, Emmanuel Lellouch, Alessandro Mura, Olivier Poch, Eric Quirico, Pablo Rodriguez-Ovalle, Mark R. Showalter, Matthew S. Tiscareno and Federico Tosi (2023), Hydrogen peroxide at the poles of Ganymede, Science Advances, Volume 9, Issue 29 (

  33. Imke de Pater, Emmanuel Lellouch, Darrell F. Strobel, Katherine de Kleer, Thierry Fouchet, Michael H. Wong, Bryan J. Holler, John Stansberry, Patrick M. Fry, Michael E. Brown, Dominique Bockelée-Morvan, Samantha K. Trumbo, L. N. Fletcher, Matthew M. Hedman, Edward M. Molter, Mark Showalter, Matthew S. Tiscareno, Stéphanie Cazaux, Ricardo Hueso, Statia Luszcz-Cook, Henrik Melin, Chris Moeckel, Alessandro Mura, Glenn Orton, Lorenz Roth, Joachim Saur, Federico Tosi (2023), An Energetic Eruption With Associated SO 1.707 Micron Emissions at Io’s Kanehekili Fluctus and a Brightening Event at Loki Patera Observed by JWST, JGR Planets, Volume 128, Issue 8, e2023JE007872 (

  34. Brandon Park Coy, Conor A. Nixon, Naomi Rowe-Gurney, Richard Achterberg, Nicholas A. Lombardo, Leigh N. Fletcher, Patrick Irwin (2023), Spitzer IRS Observations of Titan as a Precursor to JWST MIRI Observations, Planetary Science Journal 4, 114 ( (

  35. Kumiko Hori, Chris A. Jones, Arrate Antuñano, Leigh N. Fletcher & Steven M. Tobias (2023), Jupiter’s cloud-level variability triggered by torsional oscillations in the interior, Nature Astronomy, Volume 7, pages 825–835 ( ( ( Nature Portfolio Blog

  36. James A Sinclair, Thomas K Greathouse, Rohini S Giles, John Lacy, Julianne Moses, Vincent Hue, Denis Grodent, Bertrand Bonfond, Chihiro Tao, Thibault Cavalié, Emma K Dahl, Glenn S Orton, Leigh N Fletcher, Patrick G J Irwin (2023), A high spatial and spectral resolution study of Jupiter’s mid-infrared auroral emissions and their response to a solar wind compression, Planetary Science Journal, Vol 4 76 ( (

  37. J. A. Sinclair, C. M. Lisse, G. S. Orton, M. Krishnamoorthy, L. N. Fletcher, J. Hora, C. Palotai, T. Hayward (2023), A retrospective analysis of mid-infrared observations of the Comet D/Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Wesley impacts on Jupiter, Icarus, Volume 394, article id. 115404, ( (

  38. Dehant V., Blanc M., Mackwell S., Soderlund K.M., Beck P., Bunce E., Charnoz S., Foing B., Filice V., Fletcher L.N., Forget F., Griton L., Hammel H., Höning D., Imamura T., Jackman C., Kaspi Y., Korablev O., Leconte J., Lellouch E., Marty B., Mangold N., Schmidt J., Sterken V.J., Tosi N., Vandaele A.C., Vernazza P., Vazan A., Westall F., (2022), “From science questions to Solar System exploration,” Chapter 3, Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061 – Report ‘Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061, A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration pages 65-175, ( (

  39. Glenn S. Orton, Arrate Antunano, Leigh N. Fletcher, James A. Sinclair, Thomas W. Momary, Takuya Fujiyoshi, Padma Yanamandra-Fisher, Padraig T. Donnelly, Jennifer J. Greco, Anna V. Payne, Kimberly A. Boydstun, Laura E. Wakefield (2022), Unexpected Long-Term Variability in Jupiter’s Tropospheric Temperatures, Nature Astronomy, 7, pages 190–197 ( (

  40. James S.D. Blake, L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, A. Antunano, M.T. Roman, Y. Kasaba, T. Fujiyoshi, H. Melin, D. Bardet, J.A. Sinclair, M. Es-Sayeh (2022), Saturn’s Seasonal Variability from Four Decades of Ground-Based Mid-Infrared Observations, Icarus 392, 115347 ( (

  41. Julianne I. Moses, Zarah L. Brown, Tommi T. Koskinen, Leigh N. Fletcher, Joseph Serigano, Sandrine Guerlet, Luke Moore, J. Hunter Waite Jr., Lotfi Ben-Jaffel, Marina Galand, Joshua M. Chadney, Sarah M. Hörst, James A. Sinclair, Veronique Vuitton, Ingo Müller-Wodarg (2022), Saturn’s atmospheric response to the large influx of ring material inferred from Cassini INMS measurements, Icarus, Volume 391, 115328 ( (

  42. Oliver King and Leigh N. Fletcher (2022), Global Modelling of Ganymede’s Surface Composition: Near-IR Mapping from VLT/SPHERE, JGR:planets, Volume 127, Issue 12, e2022JE007323 ( (

  43. Patrick G.J. Irwin, Nicholas A. Teanby, Leigh N. Fletcher, Daniel Toledo, Glenn S. Orton, Michael H. Wong, Michael T. Roman, Santiago Perez-Hoyos, Arjuna James, Jack Dobinson (2022), Hazy blue worlds: A holistic aerosol model for Uranus and Neptune, including Dark Spots, JGR:Planets, Volume 127, Issue 6, e2022JE007189 ( (

  44. Pranika Gupta, Sushil K. Atreya, Paul G. Steffes, Leigh N. Fletcher, Tristan Guillot, Michael D. Allison, Scott J. Bolton, Ravit Helled, Steven Levin, Cheng Li, Jonathan I. Lunine, Yamila Miguel, Glenn S. Orton, J. Hunter Waite, and Paul Withers (2022), Jupiter’s Temperature Structure: A Reassessment of the Voyager Radio Occultation Measurements, Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, 159 ( (

  45. Oliver King, Leigh N. Fletcher, Nicolas Ligier (2022), Compositional Mapping of Europa using MCMC Modelling of Near-IR VLT/SPHERE and Galileo/NIMS Observations, Planetary Science Journal 3, 72 ( (

  46. Michael T. Roman, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Thomas K. Greathouse, Julianne I. Moses, Naomi Rowe-Gurney, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Arrate Antuñano, James Sinclair, Yasumasa Kasaba, Takuya Fujiyoshi, Imke de Pater, Heidi B. Hammel (2022), Sub-Seasonal Variation in Neptune’s Mid-Infrared Emission, Planetary Science Journal 3, 78 ( ( - PSJ’s top paper of 2022.

  47. Simon, Amy A.; Wong, Michael H.; Sromovsky, Lawrence A.; Fletcher, Leigh N.; Fry, Patrick M. (2022), Giant Planet Atmospheres: Dynamics and Variability from UV to Near-IR Hubble and Adaptive Optics Imaging, Remote Sensing, vol. 14, issue 6, p. 1518 (

  48. Ian J. Cohen, Chloe Beddingfield, Robert Chancia, Gina DiBraccio, Matthew Hedman, Shannon MacKenzie, Barry Mauk, Kunio M. Sayanagi, Krista M. Soderlund, Elizabeth Turtle, Caitlin Ahrens, Christopher S. Arridge, Shawn M. Brooks, Emma Bunce, Sebastien Charnoz, Athena Coustenis, Robert A. Dillman, Soumyo Dutta, Leigh N. Fletcher, Rebecca Harbison, Ravit Helled, Richard Holme, Lauren Jozwiak, Yasumasa Kasaba, Peter Kollmann, Statia Luszcz-Cook, Kathleen Mandt, Olivier Mousis, Alessandro Mura, Go Murakami, Marzia Parisi, Abigail Rymer, Sabine Stanley, Katrin Stephan, Ronald J. Vervack, Jr., Michael H. Wong, and Peter Wurz (2022), The case for a New Frontiers-class Uranus Orbiter: System science at an underexplored and unique world with a mid-scale mission, Planetary Science Journals, Volume 3, 58 (14pp), (

  49. Leigh N. Fletcher (2021), The Atmosphere of Uranus, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science, ( (

  50. Marzia Parisi, Yohai Kaspi, Eli Galanti, Daniele Durante, Scott J. Bolton, Steven M. Levin, Dustin R. Buccino, Leigh N. Fletcher, William M. Folkner, Tristan Guillot, Ravit Helled, Luciano Iess, Cheng Li, Kamal Oudrhiri, Michael H. Wong (2021), The depth of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot constrained by the Juno gravity overflights, Science, Vol 374, Issue 6570, pp. 964-968 (

  51. S. J. Bolton, S. Levin, T. Guillot, C. Li, Y. Kaspi, G. Orton, M. H. Wong, F. Oyafuso, M. Allison, J. Arballo, S. Atreya, H. N. Becker, J. Bloxham, S. Brown, L. N. Fletcher, E. Galanti, S. Gulkis, M. Janssen, A. Ingersoll, J. L. Lunine, S. Misra, P. Steffes, D. Stevenson, J. H. Waite, R. K. Yadav, Z. Zhang (2021), Microwave observations reveal the deep extent and structure of Jupiter’s atmospheric vortices, Science, Vol 374, Issue 6570, pp. 968-972 (

  52. Andrew P. Ingersoll, Sushil Atreya, Scott J. Bolton, Shawn Brueshaber, Leigh N. Fletcher, Steven M. Levin, Cheng Li, Liming Li, Jonathan I. Lunine, Glenn S. Orton, Hunter Waite (2021), Jupiter’s overturning circulation: Breaking waves take the place of solid boundaries, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 48, Issue 23, e2021GL095756 (

  53. Keren Duer, Nimrod Gavriel, Eli Galanti, Yohai Kaspi, Leigh N. Fletcher, Tristan Guillot, Scott J. Bolton, Steven M. Levin, Sushil K. Atreya, Davide Grassi, Andrew P. Ingersoll, Cheng Li, Liming Li, Jonathan I. Lunine, Glenn S. Orton, Fabiano A. Oyafuso, J. Hunter Waite, Jr. (2021), Evidence for an array of circulation cells beneath the clouds of Jupiter, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 48, Issue 23, e2021GL095651 ( (

  54. I. de Pater, L.N. Fletcher, W.T. Reach, C. Goullaud, G.S. Orton, M.H. Wong, R.D. Gerhz (2021), SOFIA Observations of Variability in Jupiter’s Para-H2 Distribution and Sub-Surface Emission Characteristics of the Galilean Satellites, Plan. Sci. Journal, Volume 2, 226 (

  55. Abigail M. Rymer, Kirby D. Runyon, Brenda Clyde, Jorge I. Núñez, Romina Nikoukar, Krista M. Soderlund, Kunio Sayanagi, Mark Hofstadter, Lynnae C. Quick, S. Alan Stern, Tracy Becker, Matthew Hedman, Ian Cohen, Frank Crary, Jonathan J. Fortney, Janet Vertesi, Candy Hansen, Imke de Pater, Carol Paty, Thomas Spilker, Tom Stallard, George B. Hospodarsky, H. Todd Smith, Hannah Wakeford, Sarah E. Moran, Andrew Annex, Paul Schenk, Martin Ozimek, Juan Arrieta, Ralph L. McNutt Jr., Adam Masters, Amy A. Simon, Susan Ensor, Clint T. Apland, Jonathan Bruzzi, D. Alex Patthoff, Christopher Scott, Christian Campo, Christopher Krupiarz, Corey J. Cochrane, Curt Gantz, Dan Rodriguez, Dan Gallagher, Dana Hurley, Doug Crowley, Elizabeth Abel, Elena Provornikova, Elizabeth P. Turtle, George Clark, Jacob Wilkes, Jack Hunt, James H. Roberts, Jeremy Rehm, Kelvin Murray, Larry Wolfarth, Leigh N. Fletcher, Linda Spilker, Emily S. Martin, Marzia Parisi, Mike Norkus, Noam Izenberg, Robert Stough, Ron J. Vervack Jr., Kathleen Mandt, Kevin B. Stevenson, Seth Kijewski, Weilun Cheng, Jay D. Feldman, Gary Allen, Dinesh Prabhu, Soumya Dutta, Cindy Young and Joseph Williams (2021), Neptune Odyssey: A Flagship Concept for the Exploration of the Neptune–Triton System, Planetary Science Journal, 2 184 (

  56. O. Mousis, D. H. Atkinson, R. Ambrosi, S. Atreya, D. Banfield, S. Barabash, M. Blanc, T. Cavalié, A. Coustenis, M. Deleuil, G. Durry, F. Ferri, L. N. Fletcher, T. Fouchet, T. Guillot, P. Hartogh, R. Hueso, M. Hofstadter, J.-P. Lebreton, K. E. Mandt, H. Rauer, P. Rannou, J.-B. Renard, A. Sánchez-Lavega, K. M. Sayanagi, A. A. Simon, T. Spilker, E. Venkatapathy, J. H. Waite & P. Wurz (2021), In Situ exploration of the giant planets, Experimental Astronomy, (

  57. Rohini S. Giles, Thomas K. Greathouse, Vincent Hue, G. Randall Gladstone, Henrik Melin, Leigh N. Fletcher, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Joshua A. Kammer, Maarten H. Versteeg, Bertrand Bonfond, Denis C. Grodent, Scott J. Bolton, and Steven M. Levin (2021), Meridional variations of C2H2 in Jupiter’s stratosphere from Juno UVS observations, JGR:Planets, Volume 126, Issue 8, e2021JE006928 ( (

  58. Leigh N Fletcher, Fabiano A Oyafuso, Michael D Allison, Andrew Ingersoll, Liming Li, Yohai Kaspi, Eli Galanti, Mike H Wong, Glenn S Orton, Keren Duer, Zhimeng Zhang, Cheng Li, Tristan Guillot, Steven M. Levin, Scott J Bolton (2021), Jupiter’s Temperate Belt/Zone Contrasts Revealed at Depth by Juno Microwave Observations, JGR:Planets, 126, e2021JE006858 ( (

  59. Leigh N. Fletcher, Ravit Helled, Elias Roussos, Geraint Jones, Sébastien Charnoz, Nicolas André, David Andrews, Michele Bannister, Emma Bunce, Thibault Cavalié, Francesca Ferri, Jonathan Fortney, Davide Grassi, Léa Griton, Paul Hartogh, Ricardo Hueso, Yohai Kaspi, Laurent Lamy, Adam Masters, Henrik Melin, Julianne Moses, Oliver Mousis, Nadine Nettleman, Christina Plainaki, Jürgen Schmidt, Amy Simon, Gabriel Tobie, Paolo Tortora, Federico Tosi, Diego Turrini (2021), Ice Giant System Exploration within ESA’s Voyage 2050, Experimental Astronomy, (

  60. Naomi Rowe-Gurney, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Michael T. Roman, Amy Mainzer, Julianne I. Moses, Imke de Pater, Patrick G. J. Irwin (2021), Longitudinal Variations in the Stratosphere of Uranus from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer, Icarus, Volume 365, 114506 ( (

  61. Galanti, E., Kaspi, Y., Duer, K., Fletcher, L.N., Ingersoll, A. P., Li, C., Orton, G. S., Guillot, T., Levin, S. M., Bolton, S. J. (2021), Constraints on the latitudinal profile of Jupiter’s deep jets, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 48, Issue 9, e2021GL092912 ( (

  62. J.S.D. Blake, L. N. Fletcher, T. K. Greathouse, G. S. Orton, H. Melin, M. T. Roman, A. Antuñano, P. T. Donnelly, N. Rowe-Gurney, O. King (2021), Refining Saturn’s deuterium-hydrogen ratio via IRTF/TEXES spectroscopy, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 653, id.A66, 8 pp. ( (

  63. Davide Grassi, A. Mura, G. Sindoni, A. Adriani, S.K. Atreya, G. Filacchione, L.N. Fletcher, J.I. Lunine, M.L. Moriconi, R. Noschese, G.S. Orton, C. Plainaki, R. Sordini, F. Tosi, D. Turrini, A. Olivieri, G. Eichstädt, C.J. Hansen, H. Melin, F. Altieri, A. Cicchetti, B.M. Dinelli, A. Migliorini, G. Piccioni, S. Stefani, S.J. Bolton (2021), On the clouds and ammonia in Jupiter’s upper troposphere from Juno JIRAM reflectivity observations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 503, Issue 4, Pages 4892–4907, (

  64. Patrick G.J. Irwin, Jack Dobinson, Arjuna James, Daniel Toledo, Nicholas A. Teanby, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Santiago Pérez-Hoyos (2021), Latitudinal variation of methane mole fraction above clouds in Neptune’s atmosphere from VLT/MUSE-NFM: Limb-darkening reanalysis, Icarus, Volume 357, 114277 ( (

  65. L.N. Fletcher, L. Sromovsky, V. Hue, J.I. Moses, S. Guerlet, R.A. West, T. Koskinen (2020), Saturn’s Seasonal Atmosphere at Northern Summer Solstice, Chapter accepted for publication in “Cassini at Saturn: The Grand Finale.” (

  66. James A. Sinclair, Thomas K. Greathouse, Rohini S. Giles, Arrate Antuñano, Julianne I. Moses, Thierry Fouchet, Bruno Bézard, Chihiro Tao, Javier Martín-Torres, George B. Clark, Denis Grodent, Glenn S. Orton, Vincent Hue, Leigh N. Fletcher and Patrick G. J. Irwin (2020), Spatial Variations in the Altitude of the CH4 Homopause at Jupiter’s Mid-to-high Latitudes, as Constrained from IRTF-TEXES Spectra, Planetary Science Journal, 1, 85 (

  67. F. Oyafuso, S. Levin, G. Orton, S. Brown, V. Adumitroaie, M. Janssen, M. H. Wong, L.N. Fletcher, P. Steffes, C. Li, S. Gulkis, S. Atreya, S. Misra, S. Bolton (2020), Angular Dependence and Spatial Distribution of Jupiter’s Centimeter-Wave Thermal Emission from Juno’s Microwave Radiometer, Earth and Space Science, Volume 7, Issue 11, e2020EA001254 (

  68. David E. Trilling, Carey Lisse, Dale P. Cruikshank, Joshua P. Emery, Yanga Fernández, Leigh N. Fletcher, Douglas P. Hamilton, Heidi B. Hammel, Alan W. Harris, Michael Mueller, Glenn S. Orton, Yvonne J. Pendleton, William T. Reach, Naomi Rowe-Gurney, Michael Skrutskie & Anne Verbiscer (2020), Spitzer’s Solar System studies of asteroids, planets and the zodiacal cloud, Nature Astronomy 4, 940–946 (2020). (

  69. R.G. Cosentino, T. Greathouse, A. Simon, R. Giles, R. Morales-Juberias, L.N. Fletcher, G. Orton (2020), The Effects of Waves on the Meridional Thermal Structure of Jupiter’s Stratosphere, Planetary Science Journal, Volume 1, Number 3 (

  70. L.N. Fletcher, A.A. Simon, M.D. Hofstadter, C.S. Arridge, I. Cohen, A. Masters, K. Mandt, A. Coustenis (2020), Ice Giant System Exploration in the 2020s: An Introduction, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 378: 20190473, ( (

  71. Arrate Antunano, Richard G. Cosentino, Leigh N. Fletcher, Amy Simon, Thomas Greathouse, Glenn Orton (2020), Fluctuations in Jupiter’s Equatorial Stratospheric Oscillation, Nature Astronomy, ( Blog Post

  72. Zhimeng Zhang, Virgil Adumitroaie, Michael Allison, John Arballo, Sushil Atreya, Gordon Bjoraker, Scott Bolton, Shannon Brown, Leigh N. Fletcher, Tristan Guillot, Samuel Gulkis, Amoree Hodges, Andrew Ingersoll, Michael Janssen, Steven Levin, Cheng Li, Liming Li, Jonathan Lunine, Sidharth Misra, Glenn Orton, Fabiano Oyafuso, Paul Steffes, Michael H. Wong (2020), Residual Study: Testing Jupiter Atmosphere Models Against Juno MWR Observations, Earth and Space Science, Volume 7, Issue 9, e2020EA001229 (

  73. Arrate Antunano, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Daniel Toledo, Henrik Melin, Michael T. Roman, James A. Sinclair, Padraig T. Donnelly, Eleanor K. Morton, Peter Selves (2020), Characterizing Temperature and Aerosol Variability during Jupiter’s 2006-07 Equatorial Zone Disturbance, JGR Planets, Volume 125, Issue 10, e2020JE006413 (

  74. M.D. Hofstadter, L.N. Fletcher, A.A. Simon, A. Masters, D. Turrini, C.S. Arridge (2020), Future Missions to the Giant Planets that Can Advance Atmospheric Science Objectives, Space Science Reviews, 216, Article number: 91 ( (

  75. J.I. Moses, T. Cavalie, L.N. Fletcher, M.T. Roman (2020), Atmospheric chemistry on Uranus and Neptune, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 378, 20190477 ( (

  76. Leigh N. Fletcher, Ravit Helled, Elias Roussos, Geraint Jones, Sébastien Charnoz, Nicolas André, David Andrews, Michele Bannister, Emma Bunce, Thibault Cavalié, Francesca Ferri, Jonathan Fortney, Davide Grassi, Léa Griton, Paul Hartogh, Ricardo Hueso, Yohai Kaspi, Laurent Lamy, Adam Masters, Henrik Melin, Julianne Moses, Oliver Mousis, Nadine Nettleman, Christina Plainaki, Jürgen Schmidt, Amy Simon, Gabriel Tobie, Paolo Tortora, Federico Tosi, Diego Turrini (2020), Ice Giant Systems: The Scientific Potential of Orbital Missions to Uranus and Neptune, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 191, 105030 ( (

  77. Henrik Melin, Leigh N. Fletcher, Pat G. J. Irwin, Scott G Edgington (2020), Jupiter in the ultraviolet: acetylene and ethane abundances in the stratosphere of Jupiter from Cassini observations between 0.15 and 0.19 μm, Astronomical Journal, 159, 291 ( (

  78. Thibault Cavalie, Olivia Venot, Yamila Miguel, Leigh N. Fletcher, Peter Wurz, Olivier Mousis, Roda Bounaceur, Vincent Hue, Jeremy Leconte, Michel Dobrijevic (2020), The deep composition of Uranus and Neptune from in situ exploration and thermochemical modeling, Space Science Reviews, 216, Article number: 58 ( (

  79. Daniel Toledo, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Pascal Rannou, Leigh N. Fletcher, Nicholas A. Teanby, Michael H. Wong, and Glenn S. Orton (2020), Constraints on Neptune’s haze structure and formation from VLT observations in the H-band, Icarus, Volume 350, 113808 (

  80. L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, T.K. Greathouse, J.H. Rogers, Z. Zhang, F.A. Oyafuso, G. Eichstadt, H. Melin, C. Li, S.M. Levin, S. Bolton, M. Janssen, H-J. Mettig, D. Grassi, A. Mura, A. Adriani (2020), Jupiter’s Equatorial Plumes and Hot Spots: Spectral Mapping from Gemini/TEXES and Juno/MWR, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, e2020JE006399 ( (

  81. J. A. Sinclair, G. S. Orton, L. N. Fletcher, M. Roman, I. de Pater, T.Encrenaz, H. B. Hammel, R. S. Giles, T. Velusamy, J. I. Moses, P. G. J. Irwin, T. W. Momary, N. Rowe-Gurney, F. Tabataba-Vakili (2020), Spatial structure in Neptune’s 7.90-µm stratospheric CH4 emission, as measured by VLT-VISIR, Icarus, Volume 345, 113748 (

  82. Glenn S. Orton, Fachreddin Tabataba-Vakili, Gerald Eichstädt, John Rogers, Candice J. Hansen, Thomas W. Momary, Andrew P. Ingersoll, Shawn Brueshaber, Michael H. Wong, Amy A. Simon, Leigh N. Fletcher, Michael Ravine, Michael Caplinger, Dakota Smith, Scott J. Bolton, Stephen M. Levin, James A. Sinclair, Chloe Thepenier, Hamish Nicholson, Abigail Anthony (2020), A Survey of Small-Scale Waves and Wave-Like Phenomena in Jupiter’s Atmosphere Detected by JunoCam, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, Volume 125, Issue 7, e2019JE006369 (

  83. D. Grassi, A. Adriani, A. Mura, S.K. Atreya, L. N. Fletcher, J.I. Lunine, G.S. Orton, S. Bolton, C. Plainaki, G. Sindoni, F. Altieri, A. Cicchetti, B.M. Dinelli, G. Filacchione, A. Migliorini, M.L. Moriconi, R. Noschese, A. Olivieri, G. Piccioni, R. Sordini, S. Stefani, F. Tosi, D. Turrini (2020), On the spatial distribution of minor species in Jupiter’s troposphere as inferred from Juno JIRAM data, JGR-Planets, Volume 125, Issue 4, e2019JE006206 (

  84. Wong, M.H., A.A. Simon, J.W. Tollefson, I. de Pater, M. Barnett, A.I. Hsu, A.W. Stephens, G.S. Orton, S.W. Fleming, C. Goullaud, W. Januszewski, A. Roman, G.L. Bjoraker, S.K. Atreya, A. Adriani, L.N. Fletcher (2020), High-resolution UV/optical/IR imaging of Jupiter in 2016-2019, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Series, 247, 58 (25 pp.) (

  85. Leigh N. Fletcher, Imke de Pater, Glenn S. Orton, Mark D. Hofstadter, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Michael Roman, Daniel Toledo (2020), Ice Giant Circulation Patterns: Implications for Atmospheric Probes, Space Science Reviews, 216, Article number: 21 ( (

  86. Leigh N. Fletcher, Yohai Kaspi, Tristan Guillot, Adam P. Showman (2020), How well do we understand the belt/zone circulation of Giant Planet atmospheres? Space Science Reviews 216, Article number: 30 ( (

  87. A.A. Simon, L.N. Fletcher, C. Arridge, D. Atkinson, A. Coustenis, F. Ferri, M. Hofstadter, A. Masters, O. Mousis, K. Reh, D. Turrini & O. Witasse (2020), A Review of the in Situ Probe Designs from Recent Ice Giant Mission Concept Studies, Space Science Reviews 216, 17. (

  88. M.T. Roman, L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, N. Rowe-Gurney, P.G.J. Irwin (2020), Uranus in Northern Mid-Spring: Persistent Atmospheric Temperatures and Circulations Inferred from Thermal Imaging, Astronomical Journal, Volume 159, Number 2 ( (

  89. A.S. Braude, P.G.J. Irwin, G.S. Orton, L.N. Fletcher (2020), Colour and Tropospheric Cloud Structure of Jupiter from MUSE/VLT: Retrieving a Universal Chromophore, Icarus, Volume 338, 113589 ( (

  90. R. Hueso, A. Sánchez-Lavega, J.F. Rojas, A.A. Simon, T. Barry, T. del Río-Gaztelurrutia, A. Antuñano, K.M. Sayanagi, M. Delcroix, L.N. Fletcher, E. García-Melendo, S. Pérez-Hoyos, J. Blalock, F. Colas, J. M. Gómez-Forrellad, J.L. Gunnarson, D. Peach, M.H. Wong (2019), Saturn atmospheric dynamics one year after Cassini: Long-lived features and time variations in the drift of the Hexagon, Icarus, Volume 336, 113429 ( (

  91. T. Cavalie, V. Hue, P. Hartogh, R. Moreno, E. Lellouch, H. Feuchtgruber, C. Jarchow, T. Cassidy, L.N. Fletcher, F. Billebaud, M. Dobrijevic, L. Rezac, G.S. Orton, M. Rengel, T. Fouchet, and S. Guerlet (2019), Herschel map of Saturn’s stratospheric water, delivered by the plumes of Enceladus, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 630, A87 ( (

  92. Henrik Melin, L. N. Fletcher, T. S. Stallard, S. Miller, L. M. Trafton, L. Moore, J. O’Donoghue, R. J. Vervack, N. Dello Russo, L. Lamy, C. Tao and M. N. Chowdhury (2019), The H3+ ionosphere of Uranus: decades-long cooling and local-time morphology, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Volume 377, (

  93. Imke de Pater, R. J. Sault, Chris Moeckel, Arielle Moullet, Michael H. Wong, Charles Goullaud, David DeBoer, Bryan Butler, Gordon Bjoraker, Mate Adamkovics, Richard Cosentino, Padraig T. Donnelly, Leigh N. Fletcher, Yasumasa Kasaba, Glenn Orton, John Rogers, James Sinclair, Eric Villard (2019), First ALMA Millimeter Wavelength Maps of Jupiter, with a Multi-Wavelength Study of Convection, Astronomical Journal, Volume 158, 139 ( (

  94. Arrate Antuñano, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Henrik Melin, Steve Milan, John Rogers, Thomas Greathouse, Joseph Harrington, Padraig T. Donnelly, Rohini Giles (2019), Jupiter’s Atmospheric Variability from Long-Term Ground-based Observations at 5 microns, Astronomical Journal, Volume 158, 130 ( (

  95. Edward M. Molter, Imke de Pater, Michael T. Roman, Leigh N. Fletcher (2019), Thermal Emission from the Uranian Ring System, Astronomical Journal, Volume 158, 47 ( (

  96. Patrick G.J. Irwin, Daniel Toledo, Ashwin S. Braude, Roland Bacon, Peter M. Weilbacher, Nicholas A. Teanby, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton (2019), Latitudinal variation in the abundance of methane (CH4) above the clouds in Neptune’s atmosphere from VLT/MUSE Narrow Field Mode Observations, Icarus, Volume 331, Pages 69-82 ( (

  97. J. A. Sinclair, G. S. Orton, J. Fernandes, Y. Kasaba, T. M. Sato, T. Fujiyoshi, C. Tao, M. F. Vogt, D. Grodent, B. Bonfond, J. I. Moses, T. K. Greathouse, W. Dunn, R. S. Giles, F. Tabataba-Vakili, L. N. Fletcher & P. G. J. Irwin (2019), A brightening of Jupiter’s auroral 7.8-μm CH4 emission during a solar-wind compression, Nature Astronomy (

  98. J.A. Sinclair, J.I. Moses, V. Hue, T.K. Greathouse, G.S. Orton, L.N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin (2019), Jupiter’s auroral-related stratospheric heating and chemistry III: Abundances of C2H4, CH3C2H, C4H2 and C6H6 from Voyager-IRIS and Cassini-CIRS, Icarus, 328, pp176-193 (

  99. Arrate Antuñano, Teresa del Río-Gaztelurruti, Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, Peter L. Read, Leigh N. Fletcher (2019), Potential Vorticity of Saturn’s Polar Regions: Seasonality and Instabilities, Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, ( (

  100. Huazhi Ge, Xi Zhang, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, James Sinclair, Josh Fernandes, Tom Momary, Yasumasa Kasaba, Takao M. Sato, Takuya Fujiyoshi (2019), Rotational Light Curves of Jupiter from UV to Mid-Infrared and Implications for Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets, Astronomical Journal, 157, p89+ ( (

  101. Fletcher, L.N., Greathouse, T., Guerlet, S., Moses, J., & West, R. (2018). Saturn’s Seasonally Changing Atmosphere: Thermal Structure, Composition and Aerosols. In K. Baines, F. Flasar, N. Krupp, & T. Stallard (Eds.), Saturn in the 21st Century (Cambridge Planetary Science, pp. 251-294). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ( (

  102. Sayanagi, K., Baines, K., Dyudina, U., Fletcher, L.N., Sánchez-Lavega, A., & West, R. (2018). Saturn’s Polar Atmosphere. In K. Baines, F. Flasar, N. Krupp, & T. Stallard (Eds.), Saturn in the 21st Century (Cambridge Planetary Science, pp. 337-376). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ( (

  103. A. Sanchez-Lavega, G. Fischer, L.N. Fletcher, E. Garcia-Melendo, B. Hesman, S. Perez-Hoyos, K. Sayanagi, L. Sromovsky (2018). The Great Saturn Storm of 2010–2011. In K. Baines, F. Flasar, N. Krupp, & T. Stallard (Eds.), Saturn in the 21st Century (Cambridge Planetary Science, pp. 377-416). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ( (

  104. Patrick G. J. Irwin, Daniel Toledo, Ryan Garland, Nicholas A. Teanby, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Bruno Bezard (2018), Probable detection of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in Neptune’s atmosphere, Icarus, Volume 321, Pages 550-563. ( (

  105. Imke de Pater, R.J. Sault, Michael H. Wong, Leigh N. Fletcher, David DeBoer, Bryan Butler, (2018), Jupiter’s Ammonia Distribution Derived from VLA Maps at 3–37 GHz, Icarus 322 (2019) 168–191 ( (

  106. Arrate Antuñano, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Henrik Melin, John H. Rogers, Joseph Harrington, Padraig T. Donnelly, Naomi Rowe-Gurney and James S. D. Blake (2018), Infrared Characterisation of Jupiter’s Equatorial Disturbance Cycle, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 45, Pages 10,987-10,995 ( ( (

  107. A. Adriani, M.L. Moriconi, F. Altieri, G. Sindoni, A.P. Ingersoll, D. Grassi, A. Mura, S. K. Atreya, G. Orton, J.I. Lunine, L.N. Fletcher, A.A. Simon, H. Melin, F. Tosi, A. Cicchetti, R. Noschese, R. Sordini, S. Levin, J. Bolton, C. Plainaki, A. Olivieri (2018), Characterization of mesoscale waves in the Jupiter NEB by Jupiter InfraRed Auroral Mapper on board Juno, AJ, 156 246 (

  108. Liming Li, X. Jiang, R. A. West, P. J. Gierasch, S. Perez-Hoyos, A. Sanchez-Lavega, L. N. Fletcher, J. J. Fortney, B. Knowles, C. C. Porco, K. H. Baines, P. M. Fry, A. Mallama, R. K. Achterberg, A. A. Simon, C. A. Nixon, G. S. Orton, U. A. Dyudina, S. P. Ewald & R. W. Schmude Jr. (2018), Less absorbed solar energy and more internal heat for Jupiter, Nature Communications, Volume 9, Article number: 3709 (

  109. Tinetti, G., Drossart, P., Eccleston, P. et al. (2018), A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL, Exp Astron., pp 1–75 (

  110. L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, J.A. Sinclair, S. Guerlet, P.L. Read, A. Antunano, R.K. Achterberg, F.M. Flasar, P.G.J. Irwin, G.L. Bjoraker, J. Hurley, B.E. Hesman, M. Segura, N. Gorius, A. Mamoutkine, S.B. Calcutt (2018), A Hexagon in Saturn’s Northern Stratosphere Surrounding the Emerging Summertime Polar Vortex, Nature Communications, Volume 9, Article number: 3564 ( (

  111. T.S. Stallard, A.G. Burrell, H. Melin, L.N. Fletcher, S. Miller, L. Moore, J. O’Donoghue, J.E. P. Connerney, T. Satoh, R.E. Johnson, (2018), Identification of Jupiter’s magnetic equator through H3 + ionospheric emission, Nature Astronomy (

  112. Jacob L. Gunnarson, Kunio M. Sayanagi, John J. Blalock, Leigh N. Fletcher, Andrew P. Ingersoll, Ulyana A. Dyudina, Shawn P. Ewald, and Robert L. Draham (2018), Saturn’s new ribbons: Cassini observations of planetary waves in Saturn’s 42N atmospheric jet, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 7399–7408 (

  113. L.N. Fletcher, H. Melin, A. Adriani, A.A. Simon, A. Sanchez-Lavega, P.T. Donnelly, A. Antunano, G.S. Orton, R. Hueso, E. Kraaikamp, M.H. Wong, M. Barnett, M.L. Moriconi, F. Altieri, G. Sindoni (2018), Jupiter’s Mesoscale Waves Observed at 5 µm by Ground-Based Observations and Juno JIRAM, Astronomical Journal, 156:67 (13pp), ( (

  114. A.A. Simon, R. Hueso, P. Iñurrigarro, A. Sánchez-Lavega, R. Morales-Juberías, R. Cosentino, L.N. Fletcher, M.H. Wong, A.I. Hsu, I. de Pater, G.S. Orton, F.Colas, M. Delcroix, D. Peach, J.M. Gómez-Forrellad (2018), A New, Long-Lived, Jupiter Mesoscale Wave Observed at Visible Wavelengths, Astronomical Journal, 156:79, ( (

  115. Doriann Blain, Thierry Fouchet, Thomas Greathouse, Thérèse Encrenaz, Benjamin Charnay, Bruno Bézard, Cheng Li, Emmanuel Lellouch, Glenn Orton, Leigh N. Fletcher, Pierre Drossart (2018), Mapping of Jupiter’s tropospheric NH3 abundance using ground-based IRTF/TEXES observations at 5 µm, Icarus 314, p106-120 ( (

  116. Achterberg, R.K., F. M. Flasar, G. L. Bjoraker, B. E. Hesman, N. J. P. Gorius, A. A. Mamoutkine, L. N. Fletcher, M. E. Segura, S. G. Edgington, S. M. Brooks (2018), Thermal Emission from Saturn’s Polar Cyclones, Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (

  117. P.G.J. Irwin, D. Toledo, R. Garland, N. Teanby, L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, B. Bezard, (2018), Detection of hydrogen sulfide above the clouds in Uranus’s atmosphere, Nature Astronomy 2, p420-427 (

  118. Joshua Tollefson, Imke de Pater, Philip S. Marcus, Statia Luszcz-Cook, Lawrence A. Sromovsky, Patrick M. Fry, Leigh N. Fletcher, Michael H. Wong (2018), Vertical Wind Shear in Neptune’s Upper Atmosphere Explained with a Modified Thermal Wind Equation, Icarus 311, p317-339 (

  119. J.I. Moses, L.N. Fletcher, T.K. Greathouse, G. S. Orton, Vincent Hue (2018), Seasonal Stratospheric Photochemistry on Uranus and Neptune, Icarus 307, p124-145 ( (

  120. S. Guerlet, T. Fouchet, A. Spiga, F. M. Flasar, L. N. Fletcher, B. Hesman and N. Gorius (2018), Equatorial oscillation and planetary wave activity in Saturn’s stratosphere through the Cassini epoch, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, p246-261 (

  121. Henrik Melin, L.N. Fletcher, P.T. Donnelly, T. Greathouse, J. Lacy, G.S. Orton, R. Giles, J. Sinclair, P.G.J. Irwin (2018), Assessing the long-term variability of acetylene and ethane in the stratosphere of Jupiter, Icarus 305, p301-313 ( (

  122. Cosentino, R. G., Morales-Juberías, R., Greathouse, T., Orton, G., Johnson, P., Fletcher, L.N., & Simon, A. (2017). New observations and modeling of Jupiter’s quasi-quadrennial oscillation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 122, p2719-2744 (

  123. L.N. Fletcher, M. Gustafsson, G.S. Orton, (2018), Hydrogen dimers in giant-planet infrared spectra, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 235:24 (10pp), ( (

  124. H. Melin, L. N. Fletcher, T. S. Stallard, R. E. Johnson, J. O’Donoghue, L. Moore, P. T. Donnelly (2017), The quest for H3+ at Neptune: deep burn observations with NASA IRTF iSHELL, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 474, Issue 3, Pages 3714–3719 ( (

  125. L.N. Fletcher, S. Guerlet, G.S. Orton, R.G. Cosentino, T. Fouchet, P.G.J. Irwin, L. Li, F. M. Flasar, N. Gorius, R. Morales-Juberías (2017), Disruption of Saturn’s Quasi-Periodic Equatorial Oscillation by the Great Northern Storm, Nature Astronomy 1, p765–770 ( (

  126. R. S. Giles, L. N. Fletcher, P. G. J. Irwin, G. S. Orton and J. A. Sinclair (2017), Ammonia in Jupiter’s troposphere from high-resolution 5-μm spectroscopy, Geophys. Res. Letters, Volume 44, Issue 21, p10838-10844 ( (http://dx/

  127. O. Mousis, D. H. Atkinson, T. Cavalie, L. N. Fletcher, M. J. Amato, S. Aslam, F. Ferri, J.-B. Renard, T. Spilker, E. Venkatapathy, P. Wurz, K. Aplin, A. Coustenis, M. Deleuil, M. Dobrijevic, T. Fouchet, T. Guillot, P. Hartogh, T. Hewagama, M. D. Hofstadter, V. Hue, R. Hueso, J.-P. Lebreton, E. Lellouch, J. Moses, G. S. Orton, J. C. Pearl, A. Sanchez-Lavega, A. Simon, O. Venot, J. H. Waite, R. K. Achterberg, S. Atreya, F. Billebaud, M. Blanc, F. Borget, B. Brugger, S. Charnoz, T. Chiavassa, V. Cottini, L. d’Hendecourt, G. Danger, T. Encrenaz, N. J. P. Gorius, L. Jorda, B. Marty, R. Moreno, A. Morse, C. Nixon, K. Reh, T. Ronnet, F.-X. Schmider, S. Sheridan, C. Sotin, P. Vernazza, G. L. Villanueva (2017), Scientific rationale for Uranus and Neptune in situ explorations, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 155, Pages 12-40. ( (

  128. J. D. R. Pierel, C. A. Nixon, E. Lellouch, L. N. Fletcher, G. L. Bjoraker, R. K. Achterberg, B. Bézard, B. E. Hesman, P. G. J. Irwin, and F. M. Flasar (2017), D/H Ratios on Saturn and Jupiter from Cassini CIRS, The Astronomical Journal, 154:178 (12pp), (

  129. J.A.Sinclair, G.S.Orton, T.K.Greathouse, L.N.Fletcher, J.I.Moses, V.Hue, P.G.J.Irwin, (2018), Jupiter’s auroral-related stratospheric heating and chemistry II: Analysis of IRTF-TEXES spectra measured in December 2014, Icarus 300, p305-326, (

  130. O. Grasset, J. Castillo-Rogez, T. Guillot, L.N. Fletcher, F. Tosi (2017), Water and volatiles in the outer solar system, Space Science Reviews, Volume 212, Issue 1–2, pp 835–875 (

  131. J.A. Sinclair, G. Orton, T. Greathouse, L.N. Fletcher, C. Tao, G. Gladstone, A. Adriani, W. Dunn, J. Moses, V. Hue, P. Irwin, H.Melin, R. Giles (2017), Independent evolution of stratospheric temperatures in Jupiter’s northern and southern auroral regions from 2014 to 2016, Geophys. Res.Lett., 44 (

  132. L.N. Fletcher, (2017), Cycles of Activity in the Jovian Atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 4725-4729 ( (

  133. M.E. O’Neill, Y. Kaspi, L.N. Fletcher (2017), Galileo probe interpretation indicating a neutrally stable layer in the Jovian troposphere, Geophys. Res.Lett., 44, p4008–4017 (

  134. L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, J.A. Sinclair, P. Donnelly, H. Melin, J.H. Rogers, T.K. Greathouse, Y. Kasaba, T. Fujiyoshi, T.M. Sato, J. Fernandes, P.G.J. Irwin, R.S. Giles, A.A Simon, M.H. Wong, M. Vedovato (2017), Jupiter’s North Equatorial Belt expansion and thermal wave activity ahead of Juno’s arrival, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 7140-7148 ( (

  135. L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, J.H. Rogers, R.S. Giles, A.V. Payne, P.G.J. Irwin, M. Vedovato (2017), Moist Convection and the 2010-2011 Revival of Jupiter’s South Equatorial Belt, Icarus, Volume 286, April 2017, Pages 94–117 ( (

  136. J.A. Sinclair, G.S. Orton, T.K. Greathouse, L.N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin, (2017), Jupiter’s auroral-related heating and chemistry I: a re-analysis of Voyager-IRIS and Cassini-CIRS spectra, Icarus 292, Pages 182-207 (

  137. R.S. Giles, L.N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin, (2016), Latitudinal variability in Jupiter’s tropospheric disequilibrium species: GeH4, AsH3 and PH3, Icarus, Volume 289, Pages 254-269 ( (

  138. L.N. Fletcher, I. de Pater, W.T. Reach, M. Wong, G.S. Orton, P.G.J. Irwin, R.D. Gehrz (2017), Jupiter’s Para-H2 Distribution from SOFIA/FORCAST and Voyager/IRIS 17-37 µm Spectroscopy, Icarus, Volume 286, April 2017, Pages 223–240 ( (

  139. L.N. Fletcher, T.K. Greathouse, G.S. Orton, J.A. Sinclair, R.S. Giles, P.G.J. Irwin, T. Encrenaz (2016), Mid-Infrared Mapping of Jupiter’s Temperatures, Aerosol Opacity and Chemical Distributions from IRTF/TEXES, Icarus 278, p128-161 ( (

  140. John Rogers; Leigh N Fletcher; Gianluigi Adamoli; Michel Jacquesson; Marco Vedovato; Glenn S Orton (2016), A dispersive wave pattern on Jupiter’s fastest retrograde jet at 20ºS, Icarus 277, p354–369 ( (

  141. Thierry Fouchet; Thomas K Greathouse; Aymeric Spiga; Leigh N Fletcher; Sandrine Guerlet, Jérémy Leconte, Glenn S. Orton, Stratospheric aftermath of the 2010 Storm on Saturn as observed by the TEXES instrument. I. Temperature structure, Icarus 277, p354–369 ( (

  142. R.S. Giles, L.N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin, H. Melin, T. Stallard (2016), Detection of H3+ auroral emission in Jupiter’s 5-micron window, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 589, A67 ( (

  143. J.K. Barstow, S. Aigrain, P.G.J. Irwin, S. Kendrew, L.N. Fletcher (2016), Telling twins apart: Exo-Earths and Venuses with transit spectroscopy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458, p2657-2666 ( (

  144. J. K. Barstow, P. G. J. Irwin, L. N. Fletcher, R. S. Giles, C. Merlet (2016), Probing Saturn’s tropospheric cloud with Cassini/VIMS, Icarus 271, p400–417. ( (

  145. Patrick Irwin; Leigh N Fletcher; Dane Tice; Stephanie J Owen; Glenn S Orton; Nicholas A Teanby; Gary R Davis (2016), Time variability of Neptune’s horizontal and vertical cloud structure revealed by VLT/SINFONI and Gemini/NIFS from 2009 to 2013, Icarus, Volume 271, p418–437 (

  146. James Norwood, Julianne Moses, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn Orton, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Sushil Atreya, Kathy Rages, Thibault Cavalié, Agustin Sánchez-Lavega, Ricardo Hueso, Nancy Chanover (2016), Giant Planet Observations with the James Webb Space Telescope, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 128:018005 (8pp)( (

  147. L.N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin, R.K. Achterberg. G.S. Orton, F.M. Flasar, (2016), Seasonal Variability of Saturn’s Tropospheric Temperatures, Winds and Para-H2 from Cassini Far-IR Spectroscopy, Icarus 264, p137-159 ( (

  148. P.G.J. Irwin, L.N. Fletcher, P.L. Read, D. Tice, I. de Pater, G.S. Orton, N.A. Teanby, G.R. Davis, (2015), Spectral Analysis of Uranus 2014 storm with VLT/SINFONI, Icarus 264, p72-89 ( (

  149. J.I. Moses, E.S. Armstrong, L.N. Fletcher, A.J. Friedson, P.G.J. Irwin, J.A. Sinclair, B.E. Hesman, (2015), Evolution of Stratospheric Chemistry in the Saturn Storm Beacon Region, Icarus 261, p149-168 (

  150. N.E. Bowles, M. Tecza, J.K. Barstow, P.G.J. Irwin, L.N. Fletcher, S. Calcutt, J. Hurley, M. Ferlet, D. Freeman, (2015), The Long wave (11 -16 µm) spectrograph for the EChO M3 Mission Candidate study, Experimental Astronomy, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp 801-811

  151. Glenn Orton, Leigh N Fletcher; Therese Encrenaz; Cedric Leyrat; Henry G Roe; Takuya Fujiyoshi; Eric Pantin (2015), Thermal Imaging of Uranus: Upper-Tropospheric Temperatures One Season After Voyager, Icarus 260, p94–102 (

  152. O. Mousis, D.H. Atkinson, T. Spilker, E. Venkatapathy, J. Poncy, R. Frampton, A. Coustenis, K. Reh, J.-P. Lebreton, L.N. Fletcher, R. Hueso, M. Amato, A. Colaprete, F. Ferri, D. Stam, P. Wurz, S. Atreya, S. Aslam, D. Banfield, S. Calcutt, G. Fischer, A. Holland, C. Keller, E. Kessler, M. Leese, P. Levacher, A. Morse, O. Munoz, J.-B. Renard, S. Sheridan, F.-X. Schmider, F. Snik, J. H. Waite, M. Bird, T. Cavalie, M. Deleuil, J. Fortney, D. Gautier, T. Guillot, J. I. Lunine, B. Marty, C. Nixon, G. S. Orton, A. Sanchez-Lavega (2016), The Hera Saturn Entry Probe Mission, Planetary and Space Science 130, p80-103 (

  153. T. Cavalié, M. Dobrijevic, L. N. Fletcher, J.-C. Loison, K. M. Hickson, V. Hue, and P. Hartogh, (2015), The photochemical response to the variation of temperature in Saturn’s 2011-2012 stratospheric vortex, Astronomy and Astrophysics 580, A55, 9 pages (

  154. R. Morales-Juberias, K. M. Sayanagi, A. A. Simon, L. N. Fletcher, R. G. Cosentino (2015), Meandering Shallow Atmospheric Jet as a Model of Saturn’s North-Polar Hexagon, ApJ Letters, 806, L18 (

  155. R.S. Giles, L.N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin (2015), Cloud structure and composition of Jupiter’s troposphere from 5-µm Cassini VIMS spectroscopy, Icarus 257, p 457–470 ( (

  156. J.K. Barstow, S. Aigrain, P.G.J. Irwin, S. Kendrew, L.N. Fletcher (2015), Transit spectroscopy with JWST: Systematics, starspots and stitching, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2015 448 (3): 2546-2561 ( (

  157. Patrick Irwin, Dane S Tice; Leigh N Fletcher; Joanna K Barstow; Nicholas A Teanby; Glenn S Orton; Gary R Davis (2015), Reanalysis of Uranus’ cloud scattering properties from IRTF/SpeX observations using a self-consistent scattering cloud retrieval scheme, Icarus 250, April 2015, pp462–476 ( (

  158. Phillip J. Marshall, Chris J. Lintott and Leigh N. Fletcher (2015), Ideas for Citizen Science in Astronomy, Annual Reviews in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 53: 247-278 ( (

  159. Leigh N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin, J.A. Sinclair, G.S. Orton, R.S. Giles, J. Hurley, N. Gorius, R.K. Achterberg, B.E. Hesman, G.L. Bjoraker (2015), Seasonal Evolution of Saturn’s Polar Temperatures and Composition, Icarus 250, Pages 131-153 ( (

  160. Olivier Mousis, Jonathan I. Lunine, Leigh N. Fletcher, Kathleen E. Mandt, Mohamad Ali-Dib, Daniel Gautier, and Sushil Atreya (2014), New insights on Saturn’s formation from its nitrogen isotopic composition, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 796, Issue 2, article id. L28, 5 pp. ( (

  161. O. Mousis, L. N. Fletcher, J.-P. Lebreton,d, P. Wurz, T. Cavali e, A. Coustenis, R. Courtin, D. Gautier, R. Helled, P. G. J. Irwin, A. D. Morse, N. Nettelmann, B. Marty, P. Rousselot, O. Venot, D. H. Atkinson, J. H. Waite, K. Reh, A. Simon-Miller, S. Atreya, N. Andr e, M. Blanc, I. A. Daglis, G. Fischer, W. D. Geppert, T. Guillot, M. M. Hedman, R. Hueso, E. Lellouch, J. I. Lunine, C. D. Murray, J. O’Donoghue, M. Rengel, A. S anchez-Lavega, F.-X. Schmider, A. Spiga, T. Spilker, J.-M. Petit, M. S. Tiscareno, M. Ali-Dib, K. Altwegg, A. Bouquet, C. Briois, T. Fouchet, S. Guerlet, T. Kostiuk, D. Lebleua, R. Moreno, G. S. Orton, J. Poncy (2014), Scientific Rationale of Saturn’s In Situ Exploration, Planetary and Space Science 104, p29-47 ( (

  162. Chris Arridge; Craig Agnor; Richard M Ambrosi; Nicolas André; Don Banfield; Tatiana Bocanegra-Bahamon; Bertrand Bonfond; Colm Bracken; Carine Briand; Shawn M Brooks; Christelle Briois; Julie C Castillo-Rogez; Thibault Cavalié; Dominic Dirkx; Leigh Fletcher; I Gerth; Davide Grassi; Matthew M Hedman; Joe Hillier; George Hospodarsky; Caitriona M Jackman; Emil Khalisi; Konstantinos Konstantinidis; Harald Krüger; Christos Labrianidis; Laurent L Lamy; Matthieu Laneuville; Armin Luntzer; Jane MacArthur; Susan McKenna-Lawlor; Andrea Maier; Henrik Melin; George Moragas- Klostermeyer; Achim Morschhauser; Anna Milillo; Olivier Mousis; Fritz M Neubauer; Tom A Nordheim; Roberto Peron; Frank Postberg; Kurt D Retherford; Christopher T Russell; Abigail M Rymer; Renaud Sallantin; Frank Spahn; Marc Costa Sitja; Ralf Srama; Matthew Tiscareno; Gabriel Tobie; Federico Tosi; Diego Turrini; Elizabeth Turtle; Rob J Wilson, (2014), The science case for an orbital mission to Uranus: Exploring the origins and evolution of ice giant planets, Planetary and Space Science 104, p122-140 (

  163. P.G.J. Irwin, J.K. Barstow, N.E. Bowles, L.N. Fletcher, S. Aigrain and J.-M. Lee (2014), The Transit Spectra of Earth and Jupiter, Icarus 242, p172-187 ( (

  164. N.A. Teanby, A.P. Showman, L.N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin, Constraints on Jupiter’s HCl abundance and chlorine cycle from Herschel/HIFI, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 103, Pages 250-261 (

  165. Orton, G., L. N. Fletcher, J. I. Moses, A. Mainzer, D. Hines, H. Hammel, J. Martin-Torres, M. Burgdorf, C. Merlet, M. R. Line. 2014a. Mid-Infrared spectroscopy of Uranus from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer: Determination of the mean temperature of the upper troposphere and stratosphere. Icarus 243, p471-493 ( (

  166. Orton, G., J. I. Moses, L. N. Fletcher, A. Mainzer, D. Hines, H. Hammel, J. Martin-Torres, M. Burgdorf, C. Merlet, M. R. Line. 2014a. Mid-Infrared spectroscopy of Uranus from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer: Determination of the mean composition of the upper troposphere and stratosphere. Icarus 243, p494-513. ( (

  167. V. Malathy Devi, D. Chris Benner, Isabelle Kleiner, Robert L. Sams, and Leigh N. Fletcher, (2014), Line shape parameters of PH3 transitions in the Pentad near 4-5 μm: Self-broadened widths, shifts, line mixing and speed dependence, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 302, p. 17-33 (

  168. Lui, J., Schneider, T., Fletcher, L.N., (2014), Constraining the Depth of Saturn’s Zonal Winds by Measuring Thermal and Gravitational Signals, Icarus 239, pp. 260-272 (

  169. Joanna K. Barstow, Neil E. Bowles, Suzanne Aigrain, Leigh N. Fletcher, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Ryan Varley, Enzo Pascale, (2015), Exoplanet atmospheres with EChO: spectral retrievals using EChOSim, Experimental Astronomy Volume 40, Issue 2, pp 545-561 ( (

  170. Leigh N. Fletcher, T.K. Greathouse, G.S. Orton, P.G.J. Irwin, O. Mousis, J.A. Sinclair, R.S. Giles, The Origin of Giant Planet Nitrogen from the 15N/14N Ratio, Icarus 238, p170–190 ( (

  171. A. Masters, N. Achilleos, C. B. Agnor, S. Campagnola, S. Charnoz, B. Christophe, A. J. Coates, L. N. Fletcher, G. H. Jones, L. Lamy, F. Marzari, N. Nettelmann, J. Ruiz, R. Ambrosi, N. Andre, A. Bhardwaj, J. J. Fortney, C. J. Hansen, R. Helled, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, G. Orton, L. Ray, S. Reynaud, N. Sergis, R. Srama, M. Volwerk, (2014), Neptune and Triton: Essential pieces of the Solar System puzzle, Plan. Space Science 104 (

  172. Jae-Min Lee, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Leigh N. Fletcher, Kevin Heng, Joanna K. Barstow (2014), Constraining the Atmospheric Composition of the Day-Night Terminators of HD 189733b : Atmospheric Retrieval with Aerosols, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 789, ( (

  173. Joanna Barstow, Suzanne Aigrain, Patrick Irwin, Till Hackler, Leigh Fletcher, and Jae-Min Lee (2014), Clouds on the hot Jupiter HD189733b: constraints from the reflection spectrum, Astrophysical Journal 786(2) [Arxiv]

  174. R.K. Achterberg, P.J. Gierasch, B.J. Conrath, L.N. Fletcher, B.E. Hesman, G.L. Bjoraker, F.M. Flasar (2014), Changes to Saturn’s zonal-mean tropospheric thermal structure after the 2010-2011 northern hemisphere storm, The Astrophysical Journal, 786, 92 (

  175. Imke de Pater; Leigh N. Fletcher; Statia Luszcz-Cook; David DeBoer; Bryan Butler; Heidi B. Hammel; Michael L. Sitko; Glenn Orton; Philip S. Marcus, (2014), Neptune’s Global Circulation deduced from Multi-Wavelength Observations, Icarus 237, p 211–238 (

  176. O. Mousis, R. Hueso, J.-P. Beaulieu, S. Bouley, B. Carry, F. Colas, A. Klotz, C. Pellier, J.-M. Petit, P. Rousselot, M. Ali Dib, W. Beisker, M. Birlan, C. Buil, A. Delsanti, E. Frappa, H. B. Hammel, A.-C. Levasseur-Regourd, G. S. Orton, A. Sanchez-Lavega, A. Santerne, P. Tanga, J. Vaubaillon, B. Zanda, D. Baratoux, T. B¨ohm, V. Boudon, A. Bouquet, L. Buzzi, J.-L. Dauvergne, A. Decock, M. Delcroix, P. Drossart, N. Esseiva, G. Fischer, L. N. Fletcher, S. Foglia, J. M. G´omez-Forrellad, J. Guarro-Fl´o, D. Herald, F. Kugel, J.-P. Lebreton, J. Lecacheux, A. Leroy, L. Maquet, G. Masi, A. Maury, F. Meyer, S. P´erez-Hoyos, A. S. Rajpurohit, C. Rinner, J. H. Rogers, F. Roques, R. W. Schmude, Jr., B. Sicardy, B. Tregon, M. Vanhuysse, A. Wesley, and T. Widemann (2014), Instrumental Methods for Professional and Amateur Collaborations in Planetary Astronomy, Experimental Astronomy, July 2014, (http://dx/

  177. J.A. Sinclair, P.G.J. Irwin, L.N. Fletcher, T. Greathouse, S. Guerlet, J. Hurley, C. Merlet (2014), From Voyager-IRIS to Cassini-CIRS: Interannual Variability in Saturn’s Stratosphere? Icarus 233, pp. 281 - 292 (

  178. Malathy D Venkataraman; Isabelle Kleiner; Isabelle Kleiner; Robert Sams; Linda R Brown; D. Chris Benner; Leigh N. Fletcher. (2014), Line Positions and Intensities of the Phosphine (PH3) Pentad near 4.5 µm, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 298, p11–23 (

  179. Palotai, C., Dowling, T.E., Fletcher, L.N., (2014), 3D Modelling of Interactions Between Jupiter’s Ammonia Clouds and Large Anticyclones, Icarus, Volume 232, April 2014, Pages 141–156 (

  180. Fletcher LN, Irwin PGJ, Barstow JK, de Kok RJ, Lee J-M, Aigrain S. (2014), Exploring the diversity of Jupiter-class planets, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 20130064, (

  181. Fletcher, L.N., de Pater, I., Orton, G.S., Hammel, H.B., Sitko, M.L., Irwin, P.G.J., Neptune at Summer Solstice: Zonal Mean Temperatures from Ground-Based Observations, 2003-2007, Icarus 231C (2014), pp. 146-167 (

  182. Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, Jon Legarreta , Enrique García-Melendo , Ricardo Hueso , Santiago Pérez-Hoyos , Josep Gomez , Leigh Fletcher , Glenn S. Orton , Amy Simon-Miller , Nancy Chanover , Patrick Irwin , Paolo Tanga , Massimo Cecconi, (2013), Colors of Jupiter’s large anticyclones and the interaction of a Tropical Red Oval with the Great Red Spot in 2008, JGR-Planets 118, pp. 1-21. (

  183. T. Cavalié, R. Moreno, E. Lellouch, P. Hartogh, O. Venot, G. S. Orton, C. Jarchow, T. Encrenaz, F. Selsis, F. Hersant, and L. N. Fletcher (2014), First submillimeter observation of CO in the stratosphere of Uranus, Astron. & Astrophysics 562, A33 (

  184. R. Hueso, S. Pérez-Hoyos, A. Sánchez-Lavega, A. Wesley, G. Hall, C. Go, M. Tachikawa, K. Aoki, M. Ichimaru, J.W.T. Pond, D.G. Korycansky, C. Palotai, G. Chappell, N. Rebeli, J. Harrington, M. Delcroix, M. Wong, I. de Pater, L.N. Fletcher, H. Hammel, G.S. Orton, I. Tabe, J. Watanabe, and J.C. Moreno, (2013), Impact Flux on Jupiter: From superbolides to large-scale collisions, Astron. & Astrophysics, 560, A55 (

  185. N. P. Gibson, S. Aigrain, J. K. Barstow, T. M. Evans, L. N. Fletcher, P. G. J. Irwin, (2013), The optical transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32b: clouds explain the absence of broad spectral features? MNRAS, Volume 436, Issue 4, p2974-2988 ( (

  186. P.G.J. Irwin, E. Lellouch, C. de Bergh, R. Courtin, B. Bézard, L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, N.A. Teanby, S. B. Calcutt, D. Tice, J. Hurley and G.R. Davis, (2014), Line-by-line analysis of Neptune’s Near-IR spectrum observed with Gemini/NIFS and VLT/CRIRES, Icarus 227, p37-48 (

  187. J. K. Barstow; S. Aigrain; P. G. J. Irwin; L. N. Fletcher; J.-M. Lee (2013), Constraining the atmosphere of GJ 1214b using an optimal estimation technique, MNRAS, Vol. 434, p2616-2628, 10.1093/mnras/stt1204

  188. Dane S. Tice, Patrick G.J. Irwin, Leigh N. Fletcher, Nick A. Teanby, Jane Hurley, Glenn S. Orton, Gary R. Davis, (2013), Uranus’ cloud particle properties and latitudinal methane variation from IRTF SpeX observations, Icarus, Volume 223, Issue 2, April 2013, Pages 684-698

  189. O. Grasset, M.K. Dougherty, A. Coustenis, E.J. Bunce, C. Erd, D. Titov, M. Blanc, A. Coates, P. Drossart, L.N. Fletcher, H. Hussmann, R. Jaumann, N. Krupp, J.-P. Lebreton, O. Prieto-Ballesteros, P. Tortora, F. Tosi, T. Van Hoolst (2013), JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE): an ESA mission to orbit Ganymede and to characterise the Jupiter system, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 78, April 2013, Pages 1–21 (

  190. J. K. Barstow, S. Aigrain, P. G. J. Irwin, N. Bowles, L. N. Fletcher, and J.-M. Lee, On the potential of the EChO mission to characterize gas giant atmospheres, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 430, Issue 2, p.1188-1207, (

  191. J.A. Sinclair, P.G.J. Irwin, L.N. Fletcher, J.I. Moses, T.K. Greathouse, A.J. Friedson, B. Hesman, J. Hurley, C. Merlet (2013), Seasonal Variations of Temperature, Acetylene and Ethane in Saturn’s Atmosphere from 2005 to 2010, as observed by Cassini-CIRS, Icarus, Volume 225, Issue 1, Pages 257–271.

  192. Gibson, N. P.; Aigrain, S.; Barstow, J. K.; Evans, T. M.; Fletcher, L. N.; Irwin, P. G. J.; (2012), A Gemini ground-based transmission spectrum of WASP-29b: a featureless spectrum from 515 to 720nm, MNRAS, Volume 428, Issue 4, p. 3680-3692. (

  193. B. E. Hesman, G. L. Bjoraker, P. V. Sada, R. K. Achterberg, D. E. Jennings, P. N. Romani, A. W. Lunsford, L. N. Fletcher, R. J. Boyle, A. A. Simon-Miller, C. A. Nixon and P. G. J. Irwin (2012), Elusive Ethylene Detected in Saturn’s Northern Storm Region, ApJ, 760, 24 (

  194. J. Hurley, L.N. Fletcher, P.G.J. Irwin, S.B. Calcutt, J.A. Sinclair, C. Merlet (2012), Latitudinal variation of upper tropospheric NH3 on Saturn derived from Cassini/CIRS far-infrared measurements, Planetary and Space Science, 73, p347-363 (

  195. Leigh N. Fletcher, B.E. Hesman, R.K. Achterberg, P.G.J. Irwin, G. Bjoraker, N. Gorius, J. Hurley, J. Sinclair, G.S. Orton, J. Legarreta, E. García-Melendo, A. Sánchez-Lavega, P.L. Read, A.A. Simon-Miller, F.M. Flasar (2012), The Origin and Evolution of Saturn’s 2011-2012 Stratospheric Vortex, Icarus, Volume 221, Issue 2, Pages 560–586, (

  196. K.H. Baines, P. Yanamandra-Fisher, T.W. Momary, G.S. Orton, G.G. Villar III, L.N. Fletcher, H. Campins, A.S, Rivkin, and M. Shara (2013) The Temporal Evolution of the July 2009 Jupiter Impact Cloud, Planetary & Space Science, Volume 77, Pages 25–39, (

  197. Irwin PGJ, de Bergh C, Courtin R, Bézard B, Teanby NA, Davis GR, Fletcher LN, Orton GS, Calcutt SB, Tice D, Hurley J, The application of new methane line absorption data to Gemini-N/NIFS and KPNO/FTS observations of Uranus’ near-infrared spectrum, Icarus 220, p369-382 2012.

  198. C.S. Arridge, C.B. Agnor, N. André, K.H. Baines, L.N. Fletcher, D. Gautier, M.D. Hofstadter, G.H. Jones, L. Lamy, Y. Langevin, O. Mousis, N. Nettelmann, C.T. Russell, T. Stallard, M.S. Tiscareno, G. Tobie & 63 co-authors, Uranus Pathfinder: Exploring the Origins and Evolution of Ice Giant Planets, Experimental Astronomy 33(2-3), p753-791 2012 (

  199. Tinetti G, Beaulieu JP, Henning T, Meyer M, Micela G, Ribas I, Stam D, Swain M, Krause O, Ollivier M, Pace E, Swinyard B, Aylward A, van Boekel R, Coradini A, Encrenaz T, Snellen I, Zapatero-Osorio MR, Bouwman J, Cho JY-K, Coudé de Foresto V, Guillot T, Lopez-Morales M, Mueller-Wodarg I, Palle E, Selsis F, Sozzetti A, Ade PAR, Achilleos N, Adriani A, Agnor CB, Afonso C, Prieto CA, Bakos G, Barber RJ, Barlow M, Batista V, Bernath P, Bézard B, Bordé P, Brown LR, Cassan A, Cavarroc C, Ciaravella A, Cockell C, Coustenis A, Danielski C, Decin L, Kok RD, Demangeon O, Deroo P, Doel P, Drossart P, Fletcher LN, Focardi M, Forget F, Fossey S, Fouqué P, Frith J, Galand M, Gaulme P, Hernández JIG, Grasset O, Grassi D, Grenfell JL, Griffin MJ, Griffith CA, Grözinger U, Guedel M, Guio P, Hainaut O, Hargreaves R, Hauschildt PH, Heng K, Heyrovsky D, Hueso R, Irwin P, Kaltenegger L, Kervella P, Kipping D, Koskinen TT, Kovács G, La Barbera A, Lammer H, Lellouch E, Leto G, Lopez Morales M, Lopez Valverde MA, Lopez-Puertas M, Lovis C, Maggio A, Maillard JP, Maldonado Prado J, Marquette JB, Martin-Torres FJ, Maxted P, Miller S, Molinari S, Montes D, Moro-Martin A, Moses JI, Mousis O, Nguyen Tuong N, Nelson R, Orton GS, Pantin E, Pascale E, Pezzuto S, Pinfield D, Poretti E, Prinja R, Prisinzano L, Rees JM, Reiners A, Samuel B, Sánchez-Lavega A, Forcada JS, Sasselov D, Savini G, Sicardy B, Smith A, Stixrude L, Strazzulla G, Tennyson J, Tessenyi M, Vasisht G, Vinatier S, Viti S, Waldmann I, White GJ, Widemann T, Wordsworth R, Yelle R, Yung Y, Yurchenko SN, EChO - Exoplanet characterisation observatory, Experimental Astronomy, p1-43, 2012

  200. Christophe B, Spilker LJ, Anderson JD, André N, Asmar SW, Aurnou J, Banfield D, Barucci A, Bertolami O, Bingham R, Brown P, Cecconi B, Courty J-M, Dittus H, Fletcher LN, Foulon B, Francisco F, Gil PJS, Glassmeier KH, Grundy W, Hansen C, Helbert J, Helled R, Hussmann H, Lamine B, Lämmerzahl C, Lamy L, Lehoucq R, Lenoir B, Levy A, Orton G, Páramos J, Poncy J, Postberg F, Progrebenko SV, Reh KR, Reynaud S, Robert C, Samain E, Saur J, Sayanagi KM, Schmitz N, Selig H, Sohl F, Spilker TR, Srama R, Stephan K, Touboul P, Wolf P, OSS (Outer Solar System): a fundamental and planetary physics mission to Neptune, Triton and the Kuiper Belt, Experimental Astronomy 1-40 2012

  201. J. Hurley, P.G.J. Irwin, L.N. Fletcher, J.I. Moses, B. Hesman, J. Sinclair, C. Merlet, (2012) Observations of upper tropospheric acetylene on Saturn: No apparent correlation with 2000 km-sized thunderstorms, Planetary and Space Science 65, 21–37.

  202. Irwin, P.G.J, Teanby, N.A., Davis, G.R., Fletcher, L.N., Orton, G.S., Calcutt, S.B., Tice, D.S., Hurley, J., (2012), Further seasonal changes in Uranus’ cloud structure observed by Gemini-North and UKIRT, Icarus, Volume 218, Issue 1, p. 47-55. (

  203. L.N. Fletcher; B. Swinyard; C. Salji; E. Polehampton; T. Fulton; S. Sidher; E. Lellouch; R. Moreno; G. Orton; T. Cavalie; R. Courtin; M. Rengel; H. Sagawa; G. Davis; P. Hartogh; D. Naylor; H. Walker; T. Lim, (2012), Sub-millimetre spectroscopy of Saturn’s trace gases from Herschel/SPIRE, Astronomy & Astrophysics 539, A44 (

  204. Glenn S. Orton, L.N. Fletcher, Junjun Liu, Tapio Schneider, Padma A. Yanamandra-Fisher, Imke de Pater, Michelle Edwards, Thomas R. Geballe, Heidi B. Hammel, Takuya Fujiyoshi, Therese Encrenaz, Eric Pantin, Olivier Mousis and Tetsuharu Fuse, (2012), Recovery and characterization of Neptune’s near-polar stratospheric hotspot, Planetary and Space Science 61, 161-167, (

  205. J.M. Lee, L.N. Fletcher & P.G.J. Irwin, (2012), Optimal Estimation Retrievals of the Atmospheric Structure and Composition of HD 189733b from Secondary Eclipse Spectroscopy, MNRAS, Volume 420, Issue 1, pages 170–182 (

  206. Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Davis GR, Fletcher LN, Orton GS, Tice D, Hurley J, Calcutt SB, (2011) Multispectral imaging observations of Neptune’s cloud structure with Gemini-North, Icarus 216, p141-158

  207. L. Li, X. Jiang, A. Ingersoll, A. Del Genio, C. Porco, R. West, A. Vasavada, S. Ewald, B. Conrath, P. Gierasch, A. Simon-Miller, C. Nixon, R. Achterberg, G. Orton, L.N. Fletcher, K. Baines, (2011), Equatorial winds on Saturn and the Stratospheric Oscillation, Nature Geoscience 4(11) p750-752 (

  208. A. Sanchez-Lavega, T. del Rıo-Gaztelurrutia, R. Hueso, J.M. Gomez-Forrellad, J. F. Sanz-Requena, J. Legarreta, E. Garcıa-Melendo, F. Colas, J. Lecacheux, L. N. Fletcher, Barrado-Navascues, D. Parker & the International Outer Planet Watch Team (2011), Deep winds beneath Saturn’s upper clouds from a seasonal long-lived planetary-scale storm, Nature, 475, 71–74 (07 July 2011) (

  209. L.N. Fletcher, Baines, K.H., Momary, T.W., Showman, A.P., Irwin, P.G.J., Orton, G.S., Roos-Serote, M., Merlet, C., Saturn’s Tropospheric Composition and Clouds from Cassini/VIMS 4.6-5.1 μ m Nightside Spectroscopy (2011), Icarus 214, Issue 2, Pages 510-533 (2011), (

  210. L.N. Fletcher, B.E. Hesman, P.G.J. Irwin, K.H. Baines, T.W. Momary, A. Sanchez-Lavega, F. Michael Flasar, P.L. Read, G.S. Orton, A. Simon-Miller, R.Hueso, G.L. Bjoraker, A. Mamoutkine, T. del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, J.M. Gomez, B. Buratti, R.N. Clark, P.D. Nicholson, C. Sotin, (2011), Thermal Structure and Dynamics of Saturn’s Northern Springtime Disturbance, Science, 332, 1413-1417, ( (

  211. L.N. Fletcher, Orton, G.S., Rogers, J.H., Simon-Miller, A.A, de Pater, I., Wong, M., Mousis, O., Irwin, P.G.J., (2010) Jovian Temperature and Cloud Variability during the 2009-2010 Fade of the South Equatorial Belt, Icarus 213 (2011), pp. 564-58 ( (

  212. A. Sánchez-Lavega, G. S. Orton, R. Hueso, S. Pérez-Hoyos, L. N. Fletcher, and 41 coauthors (2011), Long-term Evolution of the Aerosol Debris Cloud Produced by the 2009 Impact on Jupiter, Icarus, Volume 214, Issue 2, p. 462-476 (http://dx.doi/org/10.1016/j.icarus.2011.03.015)

  213. P.G.J. Irwin, N.A. Teanby, G.R. Davis, L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, D. Tice, A. Kyffin. (2010), Uranus’ Cloud Structure and Seasonal Variability from Gemini-North and UKIRT Observations, Icarus 212 (2011) 339–350 (

  214. G. S. Orton, L. N. Fletcher, P. A. Yanamandra-Fisher, K. H. Baines, B. M. Fisher, A. Wesley, S. Perez-Hoyos, I. de Pater, H. B. Hammel, C. M. Lisse, O. Mousis, F. Marchis, W. Golisch, M. Edwards, A. Sanchez-Lavega, A. A. Simon-Miller, R. Hueso, P. Chodas, T. Momary, Z. Greene, N. Reshetnikov, E. Otto, G. Villar, S. Lai, M. Wong, (2011). The Atmospheric Influence, Size and Possible Asteroidal Nature of the July 2009 Jupiter Impactor. Icarus 211, 587–602 (

  215. L.N. Fletcher, Orton, G.S., Lisse, C.M., Edwards, M.L., de Pater, I., Yanamandra-Fisher, P.A., Fisher, B.M., (2011). The Aftermath of the July 2009 Impact on Jupiter: Ammonia, Temperatures and Particulates from Gemini Thermal-IR Spectroscopy, Icarus 211, 568–586 (

  216. R. Hueso, A. Wesley, C. Go, S. Pérez-Hoyos, M. H. Wong, L. N. Fletcher, A. Sánchez-Lavega, M. B. E. Boslough, I. de Pater, G. S. Orton, A. A. Simon-Miller, S. G. Djorgovski, M. L. Edwards, H. B. Hammel, J. T. Clarke, K. S. Noll, P. A. Yanamandra-Fisher (2010), First Earth-based Detection of a Superbolide on Jupiter, ApJ 721 L129 (

  217. L.N. Fletcher, Orton, G.S., de Pater, I., Mousis, O., Jupiter’s Stratospheric Hydrocarbons and Temperatures after the July 2009 Impact from VLT Infrared Spectroscopy, A&A 524, A46 (2010) (

  218. Liming Li, Barney Conrath , Peter Gierasch , Richard Achterberg , Conor Nixon , Amy Simon-Miller , F. Flasar , Don Banfield , Kevin Baines , Robert West , Andrew Ingersoll , Carolyn C. Porco , Ashwin Vasavada , Anthony Del Genio , Andrei Mamoutkine , Marcia Segura , Gordon Bjoraker , Glenn Orton , Leigh Fletcher , Patrick Irwin , Peter Read , Thierry Fouchet, Saturn’s Emitted Power, J. Geophys. Res., 115, E11002 (

  219. Imke de Pater, Leigh N. Fletcher, Santiago Perez-Hoyos, Heidi B. Hammel, Glenn S. Orton, Michael H. Wong, Statia Luszcz-Cook, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, Mark Boslough, A Multi-Wavelength Study of the 2009 Impact on Jupiter: Comparison of High Resolution Images from Gemini, Keck and HST, Icarus 210, Issue 2, December 2010, Pages 722-741. (

  220. Hurley, J., Irwin, P.G.J., Ellison, B., de Kok, R., Calcutt, S.B., Teanby, N.A., Fletcher, L.N., Irshad, R., Potential for Stratospheric Doppler Windspeed Measurements of Jupiter by Sub-millimetre Spectroscopy, Planetary and Space Science 58 (2010) 1489–1499, (

  221. Sánchez-Lavega, A., A. Wesley, G. Orton, R. Hueso, S. Perez-Hoyos, L. N. Fletcher, P. Yanamandra-Fisher, J. Legarreta, I. de Pater, H. Hammel, A. Simon-Miller, J. M. Gomez-Forrellad, J. L. Ortiz, E. García-Melendo, R. C. Puetter, P. Chodas. 2009. The impact of a large object with Jupiter in July 2009. Astrophysical Journal Letters 715 (2010) L155-L159. (

  222. H. B. Hammel, M. H. Wong, J. T. Clarke, I. de Pater, L. N. Fletcher, R. Hueso, K. Noll, G. S. Orton, S. Perez-Hoyos, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, A. A. Simon-Miller, P. A. Yanamandra-Fisher, 2009, Jupiter after the 2009 Impact: Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Debris and its Temporal Evolution, ApJ, Astrophysical Journal Letters 715 (2010) L150-L154.. (

  223. L.N. Fletcher, R,K. Achterberg, T. Greathouse, G. Orton, B. Conrath, A.A. Simon-Miller, S. Guerlet, N. Teanby, P. Irwin, F.M. Flasar, 2010, Seasonal Change on Saturn from Cassini/CIRS 2004-2009, Icarus 208, p 337-352 (

  224. L. N. Fletcher, Orton, G. S. Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Irwin, P. G. J. Baines, K. H. Edkins, E., Line, M. R., Mousis, O., Parrish, P. D., Vanzi, L., Fuse, T., Fujoyoshi, T., 2010, Thermal Structure and Composition of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot from High-Resolution Thermal Imaging, Icarus 208, p 306-328 (

  225. S. Guerlet, T. Fouchet, B. Bezard, J.I. Moses, L.N. Fletcher, A.A. Simon-Miller, F.M. Flasar, (2010), Meridional Distribution of CH3C2H and C4H3 in Saturn’s Stratosphere from Cassini/CIRS Limb and Nadir Observations, Icarus 209, Issue 2, October 2010, Pages 682-695. (

  226. L.N. Fletcher, P. Drossart, M. Burgdorf, G.S. Orton, T. Encrenaz, Neptune’s Atmospheric Composition from AKARI Infrared Spectroscopy, Astron. Astrophys. 514, A17 (2010) (

  227. L. N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, P.G.J. Irwin, N.A. Teanby, Phosphine on Jupiter and Saturn from Cassini/CIRS. Icarus 2009, Volume 202, Issue 2, p. 543-564. (

  228. Ulyana A. Dyudina, Andrew P. Ingersoll, Shawn P. Ewald, Ashwin R. Vasavada, Robert A. West, Kevin H Baines, Thomas W. Momary, Anthony D. Del Genio, John M. Barbara, Carolyn C. Porco, Richard K. Achterberg, F. Michael Flasar, Amy A. Simon-Miller, L. N. Fletcher, Saturn’s South Polar Vortex Compared to Other Large Vortices in the Solar System, Icarus 2009, Volume 202, Issue 1, p. 240-248.

  229. Brigette E. Hesman, Donald E. Jennings, Pedro V. Sada, Gordon L. Bjoraker, Richard K. Achterberg, Amy A. Simon-Miller, Carrie M. Anderson, Robert J. Boyle, Conor A. Nixon, and L. N. Fletcher, Saturn’s latitudinal C2H2 and C2H6 abundance profiles from Cassini/CIRS and ground-based observations, Icarus, Volume 202, Issue 1, July 2009, Pages 249-259.

  230. L.N. Fletcher, G.S. Orton, P. Yanamandra-Fisher, B.M. Fisher, P.D. Parrish, P.G.J. Irwin, Retrievals of atmospheric variables on the gas giants from ground-based mid-infrared imaging, Icarus, Volume 200, Issue 1, March 2009, Pages 154-175. (

  231. Baines, K.H, Momary, T.W., L.N. Fletcher, Showman, A.P., Roos-Serote, M., Brown, R.H., Buratti, B.J., Clark, R.N., Nicholson, P.D., 2009, Saturn’s North Polar Cyclone and Hexagon at Depth Revealed by Cassini/VIMS, Planetary and Space Science, 57, p. 1671-1681.

  232. Read, P.L., Conrath, B.J., L.N. Fletcher, Gierasch, P.J., Simon-Miller, A.A., Zuchowski, L.C., 2009, Mapping Potential Vorticity Dynamics on Saturn: Zonal Mean Circulation from Cassini and Voyager Data, Planetary and Space Science, 57, p. 1682–1698.

  233. L. N. Fletcher, G. S. Orton, N. A. Teanby, P. G. J. Irwin, G. L. Bjoraker, Methane and its Isotopologues on Saturn from Cassini/CIRS Observations. Icarus, Volume 199, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 351-367. (

  234. Mousis, O., Marboeuf, U., Lunine, J.I., Alibert, Y., L.N. Fletcher, Orton, G.S., Pauzat, F., Ellinger, F., Determination of the minimum masses of heavy elements in the envelopes of Jupiter and Saturn, May 2009, Astrophysical Journal, 696, 1348-1354, DOI:

  235. Liming, L., P. J. Gierasch, R. K. Achterberg, B. J. Conrath, F. M. Flasar, A. R. Vasavada, A. P. Ingersoll, D. Banfield, A. A. Simon-Miller, and L. N. Fletcher (2008), Strong jet and a new thermal wave in Saturn’s equatorial stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L23208, doi:

  236. A. F. Cheng, A. A. Simon-Miller, H. A. Weaver, K. H. Baines, G. S. Orton, P. A. Yanamandra-Fisher, O. Mousis, E. Pantin, L. Vanzi, L. N. Fletcher, J. R. Spencer, S. A. Stern , J. T. Clarke, M. J. Mutchler, K. S. Noll, 2008, Changing Characteristics of Jupiter’s Little Red Spot, Astronomical Journal 135, p2446-2452.

  237. Ulyana A. Dyudina, Andrew P. Ingersoll, Shawn P. Ewald, Ashwin R. Vasavada, Robert A. West, Anthony D. Del Genio, John M. Barbara, Carolyn C. Porco, Richard K. Achterberg, F. Michael Flasar, Amy A. Simon-Miller, L. N. Fletcher, 2008, Dynamics of Saturn’s South Polar Vortex, Science 319, 5871, p1801.

  238. G. S. Orton, P. A. Yanamandra-Fisher, B. M. Fisher, A. J. Friedson, P. D. Parrish, J. F. Nelson, A. Swenson Bauermeister, L. N. Fletcher, D. Y. Gezari, F. Varosi, A. T. Tokunaga, J. Caldwell, K. H. Baines, J. L. Hora, M. E. Ressler, T. Fujiyoshi, T. Fuse, H. Hagopian, T. Z. Martin, J. T. Bergstralh, C. Howett, W. F. Hoffmann, J. E. Van Cleve, E. Noe, J. D. Adams, M. Kassis, E. Tollestrup. 2008. Semi-annual oscillations in Saturn’s low-latitude stratospheric temperatures. Nature 453, 7192, p196-199.

  239. Sanchez-Lavega, G. S. Orton, R. Hueso, E. Garcia-Melendo, S. Perez-Hoyos, A. Simon-Miller, J. F. Rojas, J. M. Gomez, P. Yanamandra-Fisher, L. N. Fletcher, J. Joels, J. Kemerer, J. Hora, E. Karkoschka, I. de Pater, M. H. Wong, P. S. Marcus, N. Pinilla-Alonso and the IOPW team. 2008. Depth of the strongest Jovian jet from a planetary-scale disturbance driven by storms. Nature, 451, Issue 7177, 437-440.

  240. Irwin, P.G.J., N.A. Teanby, R. de Kok, L. N. Fletcher, C.J.A. Howett, C. Tsang, C. Wilson, S.B. Calcutt, C.A. Nixon, P. Parrish. 2008. The NEMESIS planetary atmosphere radiative transfer and retrieval tool. JQSRT 109, Issue 6, p1136-1150 (

  241. Teanby, N. A., Irwin, P. G. J., de Kok, R., Nixon, C. A., Coustenis, A., Royer, E., Calcutt, S. B., Bowles, N. E., L. N. Fletcher, Howett, C., Taylor, F. W. 2008. Global and temporal variations in hydrocarbons and nitriles in Titan’s stratosphere for northern winter observed by Cassini/CIRS. Icarus, Volume 193, Issue 2, p. 595-611.

  242. L. N. Fletcher, Irwin, P. G. J., Orton, G. S., Teanby, N. A., Achterberg, R. K., Bjoraker, G. L., Read, P. L., Simon-Miller, A. A., Howett, C., de Kok, R., Bowles, N., Calcutt, S. B., Hesman, B., Flasar, F. M. 2008. Temperature and Composition of Saturn’s Polar Hot Spots and Hexagon. Science 319, 5859, 79-82.

  243. de Kok, R., Irwin, P. G. J., Teanby, N. A., Nixon, C. A., Jennings, D. E., L. N. Fletcher, Howett, C., Calcutt, S. B., Bowles, N. E., Flasar, F. M., Taylor, F. W. 2007. Characteristics of Titan’s stratospheric aerosols and condensate clouds from Cassini CIRS far-infrared spectra. Icarus, Volume 191, Issue 1, p. 223-235.

  244. Howett, C. J. A., Irwin, P. G. J., Teanby, N. A., Simon-Miller, A., Calcutt, S. B., L. N. Fletcher, de Kok, R. 2007. Meridional variations in stratospheric acetylene and ethane in the southern hemisphere of the Saturnian atmosphere as determined from Cassini/CIRS measurements. Icarus, Volume 190, Issue 2, p. 556-572.

  245. L. N. Fletcher, Irwin, P. G. J., Teanby, N. A., Orton, G. S., Parrish, P. D., de Kok, R., Howett, C., Calcutt, S. B., Bowles, N., Taylor, F. W. 2007. Characterising Saturn’s vertical temperature structure from Cassini/CIRS. Icarus, Volume 189, Issue 2, p. 457-478.

  246. L. N. Fletcher, Irwin, P. G. J., Teanby, N. A., Orton, G. S., Parrish, P. D., Calcutt, S. B., Bowles, N., de Kok, R., Howett, C., Taylor, F. W. 2007. The meridional phosphine distribution in Saturn’s upper troposphere from Cassini/CIRS observations. Icarus, Volume 188, Issue 1, p. 72-88.

  247. Teanby, N. A., Irwin, P. G. J., de Kok, R., Vinatier, S., Bézard, B., Nixon, C. A., Flasar, F. M., Calcutt, S. B., Bowles, N. E., L. N. Fletcher, Howett, C., Taylor, F. W. 2007. Vertical profiles of HCN, HC3N, and C2H2 in Titan’s atmosphere derived from Cassini/CIRS data. Icarus, Volume 186, Issue 2, p. 364-384.

  248. de Kok, R., Irwin, P. G. J., Teanby, N. A., Lellouch, E., Bézard, B., Vinatier, S., Nixon, C. A., L. N. Fletcher, Howett, C., Calcutt, S. B., Bowles, N. E., Flasar, F. M., Taylor, F. W. 2007. Oxygen compounds in Titan’s stratosphere as observed by Cassini CIRS. Icarus, Volume 186, Issue 2, p. 354-363.

  249. Teanby, N. A., L. N. Fletcher, Irwin, P. G. J., Fouchet, T., Orton, G. S. 2007. New upper limits for hydrogen halides on Saturn derived from Cassini-CIRS data. Icarus, Volume 185, Issue 2, p. 466-475.

  250. Teanby, N. A., Irwin, P. G. J., de Kok, R., Nixon, C. A., Coustenis, A., Bézard, B., Calcutt, S. B., Bowles, N. E., Flasar, F. M., L. N. Fletcher, Howett, C., Taylor, F. W. 2006. Latitudinal variations of HCN, HC3N, and C2N2 in Titan’s stratosphere derived from Cassini CIRS data. Icarus, Volume 181, Issue 1, p. 243-255.

Leigh Fletcher
Professor of Planetary Science